Packaging and Distribution in Electron application
Packaging and distributing your Electron application involves bundling your application code, assets, and the Electron runtime into distributable packages for different operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux). This process ensures that users can easily install and run your application without needing to manually set up the dependencies.
- I. Essential Tools:
- 1. electron-builder: This is the most popular and recommended tool for building Electron applications. It supports various platforms, package formats ( installers, zip archives, etc.) and provides advanced features for code signing, auto-updates, and more. Installation: npm install --save-dev electron-builder (or yarn add --dev electron-builder).
- 2. electron-packager: While less feature-rich than electron-builder, it's a simpler alternative for basic packaging needs. Installation: npm install --save-dev electron-packager (or yarn add --dev electron-packager).
- II. electron-builder Configuration (Recommended):
- III. Building Your Application:
- • To build for all platforms: npm run build (assuming you have a 'build' script defined in your package.json that leverages electron-builder)
- • To build for specific platforms, you can specify this in a package.json script, or you may need to use the electron-builder API directly within your scripts
- IV. Code Signing (Crucial for Distribution):
- V. Auto-Updates:
- VI. Distributing Your App:
- • Direct Downloads: Users download directly from your website.
- • Application Stores: Submit your application to app stores (like the Mac App Store, Microsoft Store, or others).
- • GitHub Releases: Use GitHub for releases, simplifying the process of managing versions and auto-updates.
- • Other Platforms: Use other distribution platforms such as GitLab, BitBucket, or other similar services
- VII. Important Considerations:
- • Platform-Specific Settings: Carefully review the documentation for macOS, Windows, and Linux build configurations to optimize the installation process.
- • Icon Files: Provide high-quality icon files in the appropriate sizes and formats for each operating system.
- • Testing: Test your packages extensively on various environments to catch installation issues and ensure compatibility.
- • Licensing: If your application is commercial, clearly state your licensing terms in your app and installer documentation.
The core of electron-builder's functionality lies in its configuration file, typically named package.json (where the configuration is embedded within) or electron-builder.yml. Here’s a basic example illustrating key settings within a package.json file:
1: {
2: // ... other package.json content ...
3: "build": {
4: "appId": "com.example.myapp", // Your application ID
5: "productName": "My Awesome App", // Display name for the application
6: "mac": {
7: "target": [
8: {
9: "target": "dmg", // DMG installer for macOS
10: "arch": [
11: "x64",
12: "arm64"
13: ]
14: }
15: ],
16: "category": "" // macOS category
17: },
18: "win": {
19: "target": [
20: "nsis", // NSIS installer for Windows
21: "zip" // Zip archive for Windows
22: ]
23: },
24: "linux": {
25: "target": [
26: "AppImage", // AppImage for Linux
27: "deb", // Debian package for Linux
28: "rpm" // RPM package for Linux
29: ]
30: },
31: "files": [
32: "dist/angular-electron/**/*" // Path to your Angular app build output
33: ],
34: "directories": {
35: "output": "release" // Directory where build files are placed
36: },
37: "publish": [
38: {
39: "provider": "github", // Publish to GitHub Releases
40: "repository": {
41: "owner": "YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME",
42: "name": "YOUR_REPO_NAME"
43: }
44: }
45: ]
46: }
47: }
After configuring electron-builder, use the following commands (adapt as needed based on your project setup):
For macOS and Windows, code signing is essential for ensuring your application's authenticity and allowing users to run it without security warnings. You'll need to obtain certificates from Apple Developer Program (for macOS) or a code signing authority (for Windows). electron-builder integrates with code signing, but you need to provide the necessary certificate and configuration details. For example:
1: "build": {
2: // ... other build settings ...
3: "mac": {
4: "hardenedRuntime": true,
5: "gatekeeperAssess": true,
6: "entitlements": "entitlements.plist", // Path to entitlements file
7: "identity": "YOUR_APPLE_DEVELOPER_CERTIFICATE_ID", // Certificate ID
8: "entitlementsInherit": true
9: },
10: "win": {
11: "publisherName": "Your Company Name",
12: "certificateFile": "path/to/your/certificate.pfx",
13: "certificatePassword": "YOUR_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD"
14: }
15: }
electron-builder simplifies auto-update implementation through integration with update providers (like GitHub Releases, a custom server, or others). It involves setting up a mechanism for checking for updates and downloading/installing them. This usually requires additional configuration in your package.json or a separate update configuration file, and you often need a backend service to host the application updates.
Once built, you'll have distributable packages in your release directory (or wherever you specified in your config). You can distribute them through various channels:
This comprehensive overview along with the example package.json configuration should enable you to effectively package and distribute your Electron application. Remember to consult the electron-builder documentation for the most up-to-date information and to handle more advanced packaging scenarios and customization. Also, ensure you follow platform-specific guidelines for app submission to app stores.
Electron context:
AngularElectron context: