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Native Modules in Electron application

Working with native Node.js modules in Electron extends your application's capabilities beyond what's possible with web technologies alone. However, it's crucial to remember that native modules run in the main process, not the renderer process (where your Angular app typically resides). Communication between the processes is essential.

Here are examples demonstrating the use of various native modules, emphasizing the necessary IPC for interaction with the renderer process (your Angular application):

Remember that all these examples involve asynchronous operations. Using async/await improves readability. Always handle errors in a way that's suitable for your application. Proper error handling prevents crashes and improves the user experience. Thorough testing is essential to ensure reliability.

Electron context:

AngularElectron context:

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Link to this page: http://www.vb-net.com/AngularElectron/NativeModules.htm