(FRONT) FRONT (2024)

MySQL and PostgreSQL integration in Electron application.

You can use https://github.com/Alex1998100/VbNetSupport/blob/main/Func/mysqlpool.js and https://github.com/Alex1998100/VbNetSupport/blob/main/Func/postgrespool.js functions (which use connection pools) within your Electron application. Node.js libraries like mysql and pg work perfectly fine in Electron's main process. You'll just need to handle a few things specific to the Electron environment:

So, main.js (Electron Main Process):

   1:  const { app, BrowserWindow, ipcMain } = require('electron');
   2:  import { callMySQLProcedure, executeMySQLQuery, pool as mysqlPool } from "./Func/mysqlpool.js";
   3:  import { pgPoolProcedure, pgPoolQuery, pool as pgPool } from "./Func/postgrespool.js"; // Import pgPool
   5:  // ... (Electron window setup code) ...
   7:  // Listen for asynchronous messages from the renderer process
   8:  ipcMain.handle('get-mysql-data', async (event, query, values) => {  // Example: get-mysql-data channel
   9:    try {
  10:      return await executeMySQLQuery(query, values); // Call your MySQL function
  11:    } catch (error) {
  12:      console.error("Error in get-mysql-data:", error);
  13:      throw error;  // Re-throw to propagate the error to the renderer process
  14:    }
  15:  });
  17:  ipcMain.handle('call-pg-procedure', async (event, procedureName, parameters) => { // Example
  18:    try {
  19:       return await pgPoolProcedure(procedureName, parameters);
  20:    } catch (error) {
  21:      console.error("Error in call-pg-procedure:", error);
  22:      throw error;
  23:    }
  24:  });
  26:  // ... (Other IPC handlers for database operations)
  28:  // Close pools when the application exits:
  29:  app.on('window-all-closed', async () => {
  30:    try {
  31:      await mysqlPool.end();
  32:      console.log("MySQL pool closed");
  33:      await pgPool.end();
  34:      console.log("PostgreSQL pool closed");
  35:    } catch (err) {
  36:      console.error("Error closing pools:", err);
  37:    }
  38:    if (process.platform !== 'darwin') app.quit();
  39:  });

renderer.js (Electron Renderer Process):

   1:  // ... other imports ...
   3:  // Send an asynchronous message to the main process
   4:  async function getMySQLData(query, values) {  
   5:      try {
   6:          const result = await window.electronAPI.getMySQLData(query, values); // Use the same channel name
   7:          // ... process the result ...
   8:          console.log(result)
   9:          return result
  10:      } catch(err) {
  11:         console.error("Error in renderer getMySQLData:", err)
  12:      }
  13:  }
  15:  async function callPostgreSQLProcedure(procedureName, parameters) {
  16:      try {
  17:         const result = await window.electronAPI.callPostgreSQLProcedure(procedureName, parameters);
  18:         return result; // ... process the result
  19:      } catch(err) {
  20:          console.error("Error in renderer process:", err);
  21:      }
  22:  }
  24:  // ... use the functions in your UI logic ...
  25:  getMySQLData('SELECT * from  vbnet.entrance', []).then((r)=>{
  26:      console.log(r)
  27:  })
  29:  callPostgreSQLProcedure('your_procedure', ['your_parameter']).then((r)=>{
  30:      console.log(r)
  31:  })
  32:  preload.js (Bridge between Main and Renderer):
  33:  // Expose ipcRenderer to the renderer process
  34:  const { contextBridge, ipcRenderer } = require('electron');
  36:  contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electronAPI', {
  37:      getMySQLData: (query, values) => ipcRenderer.invoke('get-mysql-data', query, values),
  38:      callPostgreSQLProcedure: (procedureName, parameters) => ipcRenderer.invoke('call-pg-procedure', procedureName, parameters),
  39:      // ... other exposed methods for database operations
  40:  });

Electron context:

AngularElectron context:

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Link to this page: http://www.vb-net.com/AngularElectron/MySQLPostgreSQL.htm