(FRONT) FRONT (2024)

Multi-window Applications in Electron application

Managing multiple windows in an Electron application adds complexity but is necessary for many applications. Here's how to handle multi-window scenarios, addressing key aspects like window creation, communication, and lifecycle management. This example uses TypeScript. You would need to adapt it to your specific needs and application structure.

These examples demonstrate the fundamental patterns for handling multiple windows. The complexity increases with the number of windows and the level of communication and data sharing you need. Always pay attention to security considerations (data validation and using a preload script). Remember that all database and file system operations should be performed in the main process and that all communication between windows should use IPC. Error handling and efficient resource management (preventing memory leaks) are also very important for any multi-window application.

Electron context:

AngularElectron context:

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Link to this page: http://www.vb-net.com/AngularElectron/MultiWindowApplications.htm