Шаблон кода для роботи з DataGridView.
Це моя старенька програма від 2015-го року, яку я використовую для парсінга задач з різноманітних фрілансерских майданчиків, щоб поєднати усі задачки у одну таблу у зручному вигляді, швиденько її пролистати, та автоматично відписатися у цікаві для мене задачки. Вона виводить набагато більше інформації, що показують самі сайти, наприклад на скрині результат парсінку Upwork'а, на якому ви ніколи не побачите (наприклад) країну замовника, а я її бачу, та можу наприклад не звертати уваги на індусів та малазійців, а відразу відписуватися у більш багаті країни. Але я не буду вам описувати усього мого парсеру, це не є задача цієї сторінки, тут я лише опишу свій загальний шаблон коду для роботи з формами з мережею DataGridView.
На самій формі нічого цікавого немає, лише сама мережа, та декілька кнопок та надписів на верхньому тулбарі.
Сама форма відбирає дані за допомогою Linq-to-SQL, тому щоб автоматично вирішувалося питання чистки кешу Linq-to-SQL, я зробив ось такий єкстеншен.
1: Module LinqToSqlExtension4
2: ''' <summary>
3: ''' Return Linq-to-SQL context
4: ''' </summary>
5: ''' <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
6: ''' <param name="value"></param>
7: ''' <param name="ClearCache">True, if need clear cache</param>
8: ''' <returns>Linq-to-SQL context</returns>
9: <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
10: Public Function GetContext(Of T As System.Data.Linq.DataContext)(ByRef value As T, ByVal ClearCache As Boolean) As T
11: If value IsNot Nothing And Not ClearCache Then
12: Return value
13: Else
14: 'create new
15: Dim ObjConstructors() As Reflection.ConstructorInfo = GetType(T).GetConstructors
16: 'шукаємо CTOR без параметрів
17: For Each One In ObjConstructors
18: If One.GetParameters.Count = 0 Then
19: value = ObjConstructors(0).Invoke(Nothing)
20: Return value
21: End If
22: Next
23: End If
24: End Function
25: End Module
Шаблон коду для роботи з DataGridView виглядає ось так.
1: Public Class CheckForm
9: Property Start_I As Integer
10: Property End_I As Integer
11: Property MinSumm As Integer = 100
12: Property ZeroPrice As Boolean = False
14: Dim db1 As ParserDBDataContext
16: Dim TypeOfSort As Integer = 0
17: Dim MaxBids As Integer = 20
18: Dim ProjectType As Integer = 0
20: Dim Projects As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Freelancer.AllProject)
21: Dim WherePredicate As Expressions.Expression(Of Func(Of AllProject, Boolean))
22: Dim OrderPredicate As Expressions.Expression(Of Func(Of AllProject, Boolean))
24: Private Sub LoadForm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
25: Me.Text = Me.Text & " (" & Start_I & "-" & End_I & ")"
26: db1.GetContext(True)
27: If ZeroPrice Then
28: MinSummToolStripTextBox1.Text = 0
29: WherePredicate = Function(x As AllProject) x.Checked Is Nothing And x.BidCount < MaxBids And x.Summ = 0 And x.i >= Start_I And x.i <= End_I
30: Else
31: MinSummToolStripTextBox1.Text = MinSumm
32: WherePredicate = Function(x As AllProject) x.Checked Is Nothing And x.BidCount < MaxBids And x.Summ >= MinSumm And x.i >= Start_I And x.i <= End_I
33: End If
34: Projects = (db1.AllProjects.Where(WherePredicate).OrderBy(Function(X As AllProject) X.ToMySkill).ThenBy(Function(X As AllProject) X.i)).ToList
35: 'Projects = (From X In db1.AllProjects Select X Order By X.ToMySkill, X.i Where X.Checked Is Nothing And X.BidCount < MaxBids And X.Summ >= MinSumm And X.i >= Start_I And X.i <= End_I).ToList
36: RowCountToolStripLabel.Text = Projects.Count
37: MaxBidsToolStripTextBox1.Text = MaxBids
38: DataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = False
39: DataGridView1.Columns(1).DataPropertyName = "Summ"
40: DataGridView1.Columns(2).DataPropertyName = "TimeType"
41: DataGridView1.Columns(3).DataPropertyName = "HourLeft"
42: DataGridView1.Columns(4).DataPropertyName = "BidCount"
43: DataGridView1.Columns(5).DataPropertyName = "Country"
44: DataGridView1.Columns(6).DataPropertyName = "Category"
45: DataGridView1.Columns(7).DataPropertyName = "Title"
46: DataGridView1.Columns(8).DataPropertyName = "TXT"
47: DataGridView1.DataSource = Projects
48: ProjectTypeToolStripComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0
49: End Sub
51: Private Sub DataGridView1_DataBindingComplete(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewBindingCompleteEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.DataBindingComplete
53: For i As Integer = 0 To Projects.Count - 1
54: DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).ToolTipText = Projects(i).i
55: DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(1).ToolTipText = Projects(i).Category
56: DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(2).ToolTipText = Projects(i).Category
57: DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(3).ToolTipText = Projects(i).Category
58: DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(4).ToolTipText = Projects(i).Category
59: DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(5).ToolTipText = Projects(i).Country
60: DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(6).ToolTipText = DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(5).Value
61: '
62: Dim Style1 = New DataGridViewCellStyle()
63: Dim Blue As Integer = CInt(Math.Max(0, DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value)) * 10
64: If Blue > 255 Then Blue = 255
65: Style1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, Blue)
66: DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(3).Style = Style1
67: '
68: Dim Style2 = New DataGridViewCellStyle()
69: Dim Red As Integer = 350 - CInt(Math.Max(0, DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value))
70: If Red > 255 Then
71: Red = 255
72: ElseIf Red < 0 Then
73: Red = 0
74: End If
75: Style2.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Red, 255, 255)
76: DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(1).Style = Style2
77: '
78: Dim Style3 = New DataGridViewCellStyle()
79: Dim Green As Integer = CInt(DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value) * 20
80: If Green > 255 Then Green = 255
81: Style3.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, Green, 255)
82: DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(4).Style = Style3
83: '
84: Dim Style4 = New DataGridViewCellStyle()
85: Dim Style41 = New DataGridViewCellStyle()
86: Style41.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0)
87: Dim Style42 = New DataGridViewCellStyle()
88: Style42.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 255)
89: Dim Style43 = New DataGridViewCellStyle()
90: Style43.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 128, 128)
91: If Projects(i).ProjectType = 2 Then
92: DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Style = Style41
93: ElseIf Projects(i).ProjectType = 1 Then
94: DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Style = Style42
95: ElseIf Projects(i).ProjectType = 3 Then
96: DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Style = Style43
97: End If
98: '
99: If SearchToolStripTextBox.Text <> "" Then
100: Dim Style5 = New DataGridViewCellStyle()
101: Style5.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 128)
102: If DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(7).Value IsNot Nothing And DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(8).Value IsNot Nothing Then
103: If DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(7).Value.ToString.ToLower.Contains(SearchToolStripTextBox.Text.ToLower) Or DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(8).Value.ToString.ToLower.ToLower.Contains(SearchToolStripTextBox.Text.ToLower) Then
104: DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(8).Style = Style5
105: End If
106: End If
107: End If
108: Next
109: End Sub
112: Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentDoubleClick(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentDoubleClick
113: If e.RowIndex >= 0 And e.ColumnIndex >= 6 Then
114: Process.Start("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe", Projects(e.RowIndex).URL)
115: ElseIf e.RowIndex = -1 And e.ColumnIndex <= 6 Then
116: Rebind(e.ColumnIndex, False)
117: Else
118: ParsePage(e.RowIndex)
119: End If
120: End Sub
122: Private Sub DelToolStripButton1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles DelToolStripButton1.Click
123: For i As Integer = 0 To DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1
124: Dim Check1 As Boolean = Convert.ToBoolean(CType(DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0), DataGridViewCheckBoxCell).Value)
125: If Check1 Then
126: Debug.Print(i)
127: Dim DelNum As Integer = CInt(DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).ToolTipText)
128: Dim DelOne = (From X In db1.AllProjects Select X Where X.i = DelNum).ToList
129: If DelOne.Count > 0 Then
130: DelOne(0).Checked = 1
131: db1.SubmitChanges()
132: End If
133: End If
134: Next
135: db1.SubmitChanges()
136: Rebind(TypeOfSort, True)
137: End Sub
139: Function ParseRestTime(One As String) As String
140: Dim Pos3 As Integer = One(8).ToString.IndexOf(">")
141: Dim Pos4 As Integer = One(8).ToString.IndexOf("<", Pos3)
142: Return One.Substring(Pos3, Pos4 - Pos3)
143: End Function
145: Private Sub MaxBidsToolStripTextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MaxBidsToolStripTextBox1.TextChanged
146: If Integer.TryParse(MaxBidsToolStripTextBox1.Text, MaxBids) And Integer.TryParse(MinSummToolStripTextBox1.Text, MinSumm) Then
147: If DataGridView1.DataSource IsNot Nothing Then
148: Rebind(TypeOfSort, False)
149: End If
150: End If
151: End Sub
153: Private Sub MinSummToolStripTextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MinSummToolStripTextBox1.TextChanged
154: If Integer.TryParse(MaxBidsToolStripTextBox1.Text, MaxBids) And Integer.TryParse(MinSummToolStripTextBox1.Text, MinSumm) Then
155: If DataGridView1.DataSource IsNot Nothing Then
156: Rebind(TypeOfSort, False)
157: End If
158: End If
159: End Sub
168: Private Sub RefreshToolStripButton_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles RefreshToolStripButton.Click
169: Rebind(TypeOfSort, False)
170: End Sub
172: Private Sub ProjectTypeToolStripComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ProjectTypeToolStripComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged
173: ProjectType = ProjectTypeToolStripComboBox.SelectedIndex
174: End Sub
176: Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick
177: Dim GridView = DirectCast(sender, DataGridView)
178: If TypeOf GridView.Columns(e.ColumnIndex) Is DataGridViewButtonColumn AndAlso e.RowIndex >= 0 Then
179: Dim CurCell = CType(GridView.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex), DataGridViewButtonCell)
180: Dim Style4 = New DataGridViewCellStyle()
181: Style4.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(60, 160, 100)
182: CurCell.Style = Style4
183: Dim DB_I As Integer = CInt(CType(GridView.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(0), DataGridViewCheckBoxCell).ToolTipText)
184: Dim OneDbRow As Freelancer.AllProject = (From Z In Projects Select Z Where Z.i = DB_I).First
185: Dim X As New CheckFormDetails
186: X.ShowTxt = OneDbRow.TXT
187: X.Title = OneDbRow.Title
188: X.URL = OneDbRow.URL
189: X.Show()
190: End If
191: End Sub
194: Sub Rebind(ByVal ColumnIndex As Integer, ByVal FullReload As Boolean)
195: Dim CurCursor = Me.Cursor
196: Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
197: If FullReload Then
198: If ProjectType = 0 Then
199: If ZeroPrice Then
200: WherePredicate = Function(x As AllProject) x.Checked Is Nothing And x.BidCount < MaxBids And x.Summ = 0 And x.i >= Start_I And x.i <= End_I
201: Else
202: WherePredicate = Function(x As AllProject) x.Checked Is Nothing And x.BidCount < MaxBids And x.Summ >= MinSumm And x.i >= Start_I And x.i <= End_I
203: End If
204: Select Case ColumnIndex
205: Case 0
206: Projects = (db1.AllProjects.Where(WherePredicate).OrderBy(Function(X As AllProject) X.ToMySkill).ThenBy(Function(X As AllProject) X.i)).ToList
207: TypeOfSort = 0
208: Case 1
209: OrderPredicate = Function(X As AllProject) X.Summ
210: TypeOfSort = 1
211: Case 2
212: OrderPredicate = Function(X As AllProject) X.TimeType
213: TypeOfSort = 2
214: Case 3
215: OrderPredicate = Function(X As AllProject) X.HourLeft
216: TypeOfSort = 3
217: Case 4
218: OrderPredicate = Function(X As AllProject) X.BidCount
219: TypeOfSort = 4
220: Case 5
221: OrderPredicate = Function(X As AllProject) X.Checked
222: TypeOfSort = 5
223: Case 6
224: OrderPredicate = Function(X As AllProject) X.Category
225: TypeOfSort = 6
226: End Select
227: Projects = (db1.AllProjects.Where(WherePredicate).OrderBy(OrderPredicate)).ToList
228: Else
229: If ZeroPrice Then
230: WherePredicate = Function(x As AllProject) x.Checked Is Nothing And x.BidCount < MaxBids And x.Summ = 0 And x.i >= Start_I And x.i <= End_I And x.ProjectType = ProjectType
231: Else
232: WherePredicate = Function(x As AllProject) x.Checked Is Nothing And x.BidCount < MaxBids And x.Summ >= MinSumm And x.i >= Start_I And x.i <= End_I And x.ProjectType = ProjectType
233: End If
234: Select Case ColumnIndex
235: Case 0
236: Projects = (db1.AllProjects.Where(WherePredicate).OrderBy(Function(X As AllProject) X.ToMySkill).ThenBy(Function(X As AllProject) X.i)).ToList
237: TypeOfSort = 0
238: Case 1
239: OrderPredicate = Function(X As AllProject) X.Summ
240: TypeOfSort = 1
241: Case 2
242: OrderPredicate = Function(X As AllProject) X.TimeType
243: TypeOfSort = 2
244: Case 3
245: OrderPredicate = Function(X As AllProject) X.HourLeft
246: TypeOfSort = 3
247: Case 4
248: OrderPredicate = Function(X As AllProject) X.BidCount
249: TypeOfSort = 4
250: Case 5
251: OrderPredicate = Function(X As AllProject) X.Checked
252: TypeOfSort = 5
253: Case 6
254: OrderPredicate = Function(X As AllProject) X.Category
255: TypeOfSort = 6
256: End Select
257: Projects = (db1.AllProjects.Where(WherePredicate).OrderBy(OrderPredicate)).ToList
258: End If
259: Else
260: If ProjectType = 0 Then
261: Select Case ColumnIndex
262: Case 0
263: Projects = (From X In Projects Select X Order By X.ToMySkill, X.i Where X.Checked Is Nothing And X.BidCount < MaxBids And X.Summ >= MinSumm).ToList
264: TypeOfSort = 0
265: Case 1
266: Projects = (From X In Projects Select X Order By X.Summ Where X.Checked Is Nothing And X.BidCount < MaxBids And X.Summ >= MinSumm).ToList
267: TypeOfSort = 1
268: Case 2
269: Projects = (From X In Projects Select X Order By X.TimeType Where X.Checked Is Nothing And X.BidCount < MaxBids And X.Summ >= MinSumm).ToList
270: TypeOfSort = 2
271: Case 3
272: Projects = (From X In Projects Select X Order By X.HourLeft Where X.Checked Is Nothing And X.BidCount < MaxBids And X.Summ >= MinSumm).ToList
273: TypeOfSort = 3
274: Case 4
275: Projects = (From X In Projects Select X Order By X.BidCount Where X.Checked Is Nothing And X.BidCount < MaxBids And X.Summ >= MinSumm).ToList
276: TypeOfSort = 4
277: Case 5
278: Projects = (From X In Projects Select X Order By X.Country Where X.Checked Is Nothing And X.BidCount < MaxBids And X.Summ >= MinSumm).ToList
279: TypeOfSort = 5
280: Case 6
281: Projects = (From X In Projects Select X Order By X.Category Where X.Checked Is Nothing And X.BidCount < MaxBids And X.Summ >= MinSumm).ToList
282: TypeOfSort = 6
283: End Select
284: Else
285: Select Case ColumnIndex
286: Case 0
287: Projects = (From X In Projects Select X Order By X.ToMySkill, X.i Where X.Checked Is Nothing And X.BidCount < MaxBids And X.Summ >= MinSumm And X.ProjectType = ProjectType).ToList
288: TypeOfSort = 0
289: Case 1
290: Projects = (From X In Projects Select X Order By X.Summ Where X.Checked Is Nothing And X.BidCount < MaxBids And X.Summ >= MinSumm And X.ProjectType = ProjectType).ToList
291: TypeOfSort = 1
292: Case 2
293: Projects = (From X In Projects Select X Order By X.TimeType Where X.Checked Is Nothing And X.BidCount < MaxBids And X.Summ >= MinSumm And X.ProjectType = ProjectType).ToList
294: TypeOfSort = 2
295: Case 3
296: Projects = (From X In Projects Select X Order By X.HourLeft Where X.Checked Is Nothing And X.BidCount < MaxBids And X.Summ >= MinSumm And X.ProjectType = ProjectType).ToList
297: TypeOfSort = 3
298: Case 4
299: Projects = (From X In Projects Select X Order By X.BidCount Where X.Checked Is Nothing And X.BidCount < MaxBids And X.Summ >= MinSumm And X.ProjectType = ProjectType).ToList
300: TypeOfSort = 4
301: Case 5
302: Projects = (From X In Projects Select X Order By X.Country Where X.Checked Is Nothing And X.BidCount < MaxBids And X.Summ >= MinSumm And X.ProjectType = ProjectType).ToList
303: TypeOfSort = 5
304: Case 6
305: Projects = (From X In Projects Select X Order By X.Category Where X.Checked Is Nothing And X.BidCount < MaxBids And X.Summ >= MinSumm And X.ProjectType = ProjectType).ToList
306: TypeOfSort = 6
307: End Select
308: End If
309: End If
311: DataGridView1.DataSource = Projects
312: RowCountToolStripLabel.Text = Projects.Count
313: Me.Cursor = CurCursor
314: End Sub
316: Private Sub CheckAll_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckAll.Click
317: For Each One In Projects
318: One.Checked = 1
319: Next
320: db1.SubmitChanges()
321: Me.Close()
322: End Sub
323: End Class
Сама форма працює на Expression-функції, яка відбирає дані з бази по параметрам, які задаються в момент виклика форми. Спочатку цей код був зроблений на статичних linq, але як раз у цьму році я трохи зробив модифікацію цьєї форми та додав у код WherePredicate. Бо без цього виклик форми був невдалий. А виглядає виклик ось так.
121: Dim ZeroPrice As Boolean = False
122: Private Sub CheckProjectToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckProjectToolStripButton.Click
123: Dim ShowCount As Integer = CInt(ToRowI.Text) - CInt(FromRowI.Text)
124: If CInt(ShowCount <= 1000) Then
125: GoTo RunShow
126: End If
127: Dim Res As MsgBoxResult = MsgBox("Are you sure?", MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel, "Display " & ShowCount & " rows")
128: If Res = MsgBoxResult.Ok Then
129: RunShow:
130: Dim CheckForm_Instance As New CheckForm
131: CheckForm_Instance.ZeroPrice = ZeroPrice
132: CheckForm_Instance.Start_I = CInt(FromRowI.Text)
133: CheckForm_Instance.End_I = CInt(ToRowI.Text)
134: CheckForm_Instance.MinSumm = CInt(MinSummToolStripTextBox1.Text)
135: CheckForm_Instance.ShowDialog()
136: RefreshCounterToolStripButton1_Click(Nothing, Nothing)
137: End If
138: End Sub
497: Private Sub FromMinProceToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles FromMinProceToolStripMenuItem.Click
498: ZeroPrice = False
499: End Sub
501: Private Sub ZeroPriceToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ZeroPriceToolStripMenuItem.Click
502: ZeroPrice = True
503: End Sub
This is another simple program with DataGridView, it can organize your URL, order it and set color mark various URL, story login/password and comment for various sites. Structure of grid form controls please see below.
And this is full code of grid form.
1: Imports System.Windows.Forms
3: Public Class StartForm
5: Dim FF As New Firefox
6: Public db1 As New Url_DB
7: Dim Rows As List(Of Site) = db1.Sites.OrderBy(Function(X) X.Pos).ToList
8: Dim EditFormInstance As New EditForm
10: Public Enum nColumn
11: FF = 0
12: Color = 1
13: Down = 2
14: Up = 3
15: URL = 4
16: Login = 5
17: Comment = 6
18: Edit = 7
19: Del = 8
20: End Enum
22: Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
23: DataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = False
24: DataGridView1.DataSource = Rows
25: End Sub
27: Private Sub DataGridView1_CellFormatting(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs)
28: Dim senderGrid = DirectCast(sender, DataGridView)
29: Dim ColorStyle = New DataGridViewCellStyle()
30: ColorStyle.BackColor = ColorRestore(Rows(e.RowIndex).Color)
31: Dim CurCell As DataGridViewCell = senderGrid(e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex)
32: If e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.URL Then
33: CurCell.ToolTipText = senderGrid(nColumn.Comment, e.RowIndex).Value
34: CurCell.Style = ColorStyle
35: ElseIf e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.Login Then
36: CurCell.ToolTipText = senderGrid(nColumn.Comment, e.RowIndex).Value
37: CurCell.Style = ColorStyle
38: ElseIf e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.Comment Then
39: CurCell.ToolTipText = senderGrid(nColumn.Comment, e.RowIndex).Value
40: CurCell.Style = ColorStyle
41: ElseIf e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.Color Then
42: CurCell.ToolTipText = Rows(e.RowIndex).Color
43: ElseIf e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.ff Then
44: CurCell.ToolTipText = Rows(e.RowIndex).I
45: ElseIf e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.Up Or e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.Down Then
46: CurCell.ToolTipText = Rows(e.RowIndex).Pos
47: ElseIf e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.Edit Or e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.Del Then
48: CurCell.ToolTipText = Rows(e.RowIndex).URL
49: End If
51: End Sub
53: Private Sub BtAdd_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtAdd.Click
54: EditFormInstance.EditMode = False
55: EditFormInstance.ShowDialog()
56: End Sub
58: Private Sub ButtonGo_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonGo.Click
59: For Each OneRow As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows
60: Dim Check1 As DataGridViewCheckBoxCell = OneRow.Cells(nColumn.FF)
61: If Check1.Value Then
62: FF.OpenFirefoxInNewTab(OneRow.Cells(nColumn.URL).Value)
63: End If
64: Next
65: End Sub
67: Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs)
68: If e.RowIndex >= 0 Then
69: Dim senderGrid = DirectCast(sender, DataGridView)
70: Dim CurRow = Rows(e.RowIndex)
71: If TypeOf senderGrid.Columns(e.ColumnIndex) Is DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn AndAlso e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.FF Then
72: Dim Check1 As DataGridViewCheckBoxCell = senderGrid(e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex)
73: Check1.Value = Not Check1.Value
74: ElseIf TypeOf senderGrid.Columns(e.ColumnIndex) Is DataGridViewImageColumn AndAlso e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.Color Then
75: ColorClick(CurRow)
76: ElseIf TypeOf senderGrid.Columns(e.ColumnIndex) Is DataGridViewImageColumn AndAlso e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.Up Then
77: UpClick(CurRow)
78: ElseIf TypeOf senderGrid.Columns(e.ColumnIndex) Is DataGridViewImageColumn AndAlso e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.Down Then
79: DownClick(CurRow)
80: ElseIf TypeOf senderGrid.Columns(e.ColumnIndex) Is DataGridViewImageColumn AndAlso e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.Edit Then
81: EditClick(CurRow)
82: ElseIf TypeOf senderGrid.Columns(e.ColumnIndex) Is DataGridViewImageColumn AndAlso e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.Del Then
83: DelClick(CurRow)
84: ElseIf TypeOf senderGrid.Columns(e.ColumnIndex) Is DataGridViewLinkColumn AndAlso e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.URL Then
85: UrlClick(CurRow)
86: ElseIf TypeOf senderGrid.Columns(e.ColumnIndex) Is DataGridViewTextBoxColumn AndAlso e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.Login Then
87: LoginClick(CurRow)
88: ElseIf TypeOf senderGrid.Columns(e.ColumnIndex) Is DataGridViewTextBoxColumn AndAlso e.ColumnIndex = nColumn.Comment Then
89: CommentClick(CurRow)
90: End If
91: End If
92: End Sub
94: Sub ColorClick(CurRow As Site)
95: Dim ColorForm As New ColorDialog
96: If ColorForm.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
97: CurRow.Color = String.Format("{0:X2}", ColorForm.Color.R) & String.Format("{0:X2}", ColorForm.Color.G) & String.Format("{0:X2}", ColorForm.Color.B)
98: db1.SaveChanges()
99: DataGridView1.Refresh()
100: End If
101: End Sub
103: Function ColorRestore(RGB As String) As Color
104: If RGB <> "" Then
105: Dim R As Integer = Convert.ToUInt32(Mid(RGB, 1, 2), 16)
106: Dim G As Integer = Convert.ToUInt32(Mid(RGB, 3, 2), 16)
107: Dim B As Integer = Convert.ToUInt32(Mid(RGB, 5, 2), 16)
108: Return Color.FromArgb(R, G, B)
109: Else
110: Return Color.White
111: End If
113: End Function
116: Sub UpClick(CurRow As Site)
117: If CurRow.Pos Is Nothing Then CurRow.Pos = CurRow.I
118: Dim R As Site = Rows.Where(Function(X) X.I = CurRow.I).FirstOrDefault
119: R.Pos = CurRow.Pos - 1
120: db1.SaveChanges()
121: Rows = db1.Sites.OrderBy(Function(X) X.Pos).ToList
122: DataGridView1.DataSource = Rows
123: DataGridView1.Refresh()
124: End Sub
126: Sub DownClick(CurRow As Site)
127: If CurRow.Pos Is Nothing Then CurRow.Pos = CurRow.I
128: Dim R As Site = Rows.Where(Function(X) X.I = CurRow.I).FirstOrDefault
129: R.Pos = CurRow.Pos + 1
130: db1.SaveChanges()
131: Rows = db1.Sites.OrderBy(Function(X) X.Pos).ToList
132: DataGridView1.DataSource = Rows
133: DataGridView1.Refresh()
134: End Sub
136: Sub EditClick(CurRow As Site)
137: EditFormInstance.EditMode = True
138: EditFormInstance.CurEditRow = CurRow
139: EditFormInstance.URLTextBox.Text = CurRow.URL
140: EditFormInstance.LoginTextBox.Text = CurRow.Login
141: EditFormInstance.PassTextBox.Text = CurRow.Pass
142: EditFormInstance.CommentRichTextBox.Text = CurRow.Comment
143: EditFormInstance.ShowDialog()
144: DataGridView1.Refresh()
145: End Sub
147: Sub DelClick(CurRow As Site)
148: Dim R As Site = Rows.Where(Function(X) X.I = CurRow.I).FirstOrDefault
149: db1.Sites.Remove(R)
150: db1.SaveChanges()
151: Rows = db1.Sites.OrderBy(Function(X) X.Pos).ToList
152: DataGridView1.DataSource = Rows
153: DataGridView1.Refresh()
154: End Sub
156: Sub UrlClick(CurRow As Site)
157: FF.OpenFirefoxInNewTab(CurRow.URL)
158: End Sub
160: Sub LoginClick(CurRow As Site)
161: EditClick(CurRow)
162: End Sub
164: Sub CommentClick(CurRow As Site)
165: EditClick(CurRow)
166: End Sub
168: End Class