(NET) NET (2019)

4.1. My typical VB.NET desktop application. Parse message body by MailKit/MimeKit and save attachment.

This description is continue to my articles MailKit/MimeKit - best eMail client. and ASP.NET Core Backend with MailKit/IMAP (Async/Await, Monitor, ConcurrentQueue, CancellationTokenSource).. In this page I describe how to save attachment and open it.

In this case I read mailbody from DB:

by this way:

 151:                          Dim RawBody = db1.messagees.Where(Function(X) X.idmessagee = idmessageeTextBox.Text).Select(Function(X) X.rawbody).FirstOrDefault
 152:                          If RawBody IsNot Nothing Then
 153:                              Dim Buf() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(RawBody)
 154:                              Dim ByteStream As IO.MemoryStream = New IO.MemoryStream(Buf)
 155:                              'Dim Rdr As IO.StreamReader = New IO.StreamReader(ByteStream)
 156:                              'Dim Txt As String = Rdr.ReadToEnd
 157:                              Dim MultipartBodyMessage As MimeKit.MimeMessage = MimeKit.MimeMessage.Load(ByteStream)
 158:                              If MultipartBodyMessage.HtmlBody IsNot Nothing Then
 159:                                  HtmlPanel.Text = MultipartBodyMessage.HtmlBody
 160:                              ElseIf MultipartBodyMessage.TextBody IsNot Nothing Then
 161:                                  HtmlPanel.Text = MultipartBodyMessage.TextBody
 162:                              Else
 163:                                  HtmlPanel.Text = ""
 164:                              End If
 165:                              MailHeaders = MultipartBodyMessage.Headers
 166:                              MailAttachments = MultipartBodyMessage.Attachments
 167:                              FillAttachmentListListView(MultipartBodyMessage.Attachments)

And save link to attachment to this variable.

 199:      Dim MailAttachments As IEnumerable(Of MimeKit.MimeEntity)

Line 153-154 is converting string to stream, and 155-156 is the same converting to opposite derection - this is small reminder for me.

FillAttachmentListListView in line 167 call to fill data to ListView

 221:      Sub FillAttachmentListListView(Attachments As IEnumerable(Of MimeKit.MimeEntity))
 222:          AttachmentListListView.Items.Clear()
 223:          If Attachments.Count = 0 Then
 224:              AttachmentListListView.BackColor = SystemColors.Control
 225:          Else
 226:              AttachmentListListView.BackColor = SystemColors.Window
 227:              For Each One As MimeKit.MimePart In Attachments
 228:                  If One.IsAttachment Then
 229:                      Dim AttItem As New ListViewItem(One.FileName, 0)
 230:                      AttItem.ToolTipText = One.ContentType.ToString
 231:                      AttachmentListListView.Items.Add(AttItem)
 232:                  End If
 233:              Next
 234:              'AttachmentListListView.Columns(AttachmentListListView.Columns.Count - 1).Width = -2
 235:              AttachmentListListView.Refresh()
 236:          End If
 237:      End Sub

And click to attachment handle to copy it to tamp directory and open it.

 200:      Private Sub AttachmentListListView_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles AttachmentListListView.Click
 201:          If AttachmentListListView.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
 202:              Dim SelectedAtt As String = AttachmentListListView.SelectedItems(0).Text
 203:              For Each One In MailAttachments
 204:                  If CType(One, MimeKit.MimePart).FileName = SelectedAtt Then
 205:                      Dim LocalFileName = IO.Path.Combine(MainMDI_Instance.TempAppDirectory & SelectedAtt)
 206:                      Using Stream = IO.File.Create(LocalFileName)
 207:                          If TypeOf One Is MimeKit.MessagePart Then
 208:                              Dim rfc822 = CType(One, MimeKit.MessagePart)
 209:                              rfc822.Message.WriteTo(Stream)
 210:                          Else
 211:                              Dim part = CType(One, MimeKit.MimePart)
 212:                              part.Content.DecodeTo(Stream)
 213:                          End If
 214:                          Process.Start(LocalFileName)
 215:                      End Using
 216:                  End If
 217:              Next
 218:          End If
 219:      End Sub

In line 205 I use extension TempAppDirectory

 102:      <Extension()>
 103:      Function GetTempDirectory(F As Form) As String
 104:          Dim LocalTmpPath As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData)
 105:          Dim TempAppDirectory As String = IO.Path.Combine(LocalTmpPath, Application.ProductName)
 106:          If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(TempAppDirectory) Then
 107:              My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(TempAppDirectory)
 108:          End If
 109:          Return TempAppDirectory & "\"
 110:      End Function

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Link to this page: //www.vb-net.com/Samantha/Attachment.htm