(FRONT) FRONT (2025)

Return to full description Technique to create Button with own rectangle shape

   1:  <layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
   2:      <item
   3:          android:bottom="4dp"
   4:          android:gravity="center">
   5:          <layer-list>
   6:              <item
   7:                  android:gravity="center">
   8:                  <shape android:shape="rectangle">
   9:                      <solid android:color="@color/black" />
  10:                      <size
  11:                          android:width="1dp"
  12:                          android:height="6dp" />
  13:                  </shape>
  14:              </item>
  15:              <item
  16:                  android:gravity="center">
  17:                  <shape android:shape="rectangle">
  18:                      <solid android:color="@color/black" />
  19:                      <size
  20:                          android:width="6dp"
  21:                          android:height="1dp" />
  22:                  </shape>
  23:              </item>
  24:          </layer-list>
  25:      </item>
  26:  </layer-list>

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AndroidMosaic context:

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