(FRONT) FRONT (2024)

<< return Tsc Compiler "Module" and "outFile/outDir" Options.

module Value Description Suitable for Notes
ES2015 (or es2015) Generates ES2015 (ES6) modules. Older projects or environments that support ES2015 modules. Less common in modern Angular projects.
ES2020 (or es2020) Generates ES2020 modules. Projects targeting environments supporting ES2020 or later. A good choice if you need some ES2020 features and your target environment supports it.
ES2022 (or es2022) Generates ES2022 modules. Projects targeting environments supporting ES2022 or later. A good modern choice for most Angular projects if you're not using a bundler-specific module format.
ESNext Generates modules using the latest ECMAScript features. This is the most current standard. Modern projects, especially those using bundlers like Webpack or Vite. Webpack or Vite will bundle this down to a compatible version for browsers. Avoid using this directly for browser environments.
commonjs Generates CommonJS modules (Node.js style). Primarily Node.js server-side code, or projects explicitly using CommonJS. Not typically used for client-side Angular applications unless building a server-side component.
amd Generates Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) modules. Older projects or environments that specifically require AMD modules. Rarely used in modern web development.
system Generates SystemJS modules. Projects using the SystemJS module loader. Less common in modern Angular projects.
umd Generates Universal Module Definition (UMD) modules, which can work in various environments (browser, Node.js, AMD, etc.). Libraries intended for wide use across different environments. Not commonly needed for Angular applications themselves, more often for creating reusable libraries.

Important Considerations for Angular (more about other AngularOptions):

If you're using outFile to bundle your Electron main.ts into a single main.js file and want to use tsc without a bundler like Webpack, then "commonjs" is usually the best choice.

Main choice outFile/outDir:

Electron context:

AngularElectron context:

Front context:

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Link to this page: http://www.vb-net.com/AngularElectron/TscCompilerOptions.htm