<< return Angular Options
Tsc compiler for Angular options example:
1: {
2: "compileOnSave": false,
3: "compilerOptions": {
4: "outFile": "./src/main.js",
5: "outDir": "./dist/out-tsc",
6: "strict": true,
7: "noImplicitOverride": true,
8: "noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature": true,
9: "noImplicitReturns": true,
10: "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
11: "skipLibCheck": true,
12: "esModuleInterop": true,
13: "sourceMap": true,
14: "declaration": false,
15: "experimentalDecorators": true,
16: "moduleResolution": "bundler",
17: "importHelpers": true,
18: "target": "ES2022",
19: "module": "ES2022",
20: "useDefineForClassFields": false,
21: "lib": [
22: "ES2022",
23: "dom"
24: ]
25: },
26: "angularCompilerOptions": {
27: "enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat": false,
28: "strictInjectionParameters": true,
29: "strictInputAccessModifiers": true,
30: "strictTemplates": true
31: }
32: }
- 1. "moduleResolution": "node": This is paramount. It ensures TypeScript uses Node.js's module resolution, crucial for compatibility with npm and your bundler (Webpack). Your tsconfig.json already has this correctly set. More about this options difference WebPack and embedded bundler in Angular.
- 2. "target": "ES2022": This specifies the ECMAScript target version for compilation. ES2022 is a good, modern choice offering broad browser support while leveraging newer JavaScript features. Your project already uses this.
- 3. "module": "ESNext": This setting determines the module system used in the generated JavaScript. While ESNext offers flexibility and works well with bundlers, it's less critical than moduleResolution because the bundler will ultimately handle the module conversion. Your use of ESNext is acceptable. Tsc Compiler "Module" and "outFile/outDir" Options.
- 4. "esModuleInterop": true: This is highly important for Angular projects. It enables interoperability between ES modules and CommonJS modules, a common scenario in Angular applications. It is correctly set in your configuration.
- 5. "importHelpers": true: This option instructs the compiler to include helper functions for commonly used operations (like extends) when the target environment may not fully support them. This is also a good practice for better compatibility and improved performance. Your config includes this as well.
- Less Critical (but still relevant) for Angular:
- • "strict": Enabling strict type checking ("strict": true) is best practice for Angular development. This catches many potential errors at compile time rather than runtime. It is set correctly.
- • Other Strictness Flags: The other strict compiler options (e.g., noImplicitOverride, noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature, etc.) all contribute to better code quality and maintainability, but their impact is less direct on the basic functionality of Angular itself. They are all good practice and already set.
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