(NOTES) NOTES (2020)

My Android Handbook

1. Time on time I publish lost of my liked soft for Android device (Мой любимый софт для планшетов и коммуникаторов (под Android).), this is my current list of my Redmi9 phone application.

2. Needed registration.

First registration need to do in Google. Because a lot of services use Contact list that stored in Google.

Second registration need to do in phone manufacturer Xiaomi. Because a lot of services working only with that account.

And of course a lot of other apps need to registration.

3. My device working fine as Hotspot. It has two mode as WIFI-receiver and as GSM-receiver.

4. My has various opportunity to testing and BIOS setting (not all setting allow screenshot).

5. Switch phone to developer mode.

6. Connect debugger to phone.

More example with ADB debugger Android ADB.

7. AdMod start point.

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