(LINUX) LINUX (2021)

Retrofit test with interceptor, clear communication and show data to TextView

Retrofit is not a simplest way to create communication from Android and API, from .NET-developer point of View this is HttpClient with embedded deserializer like newtonsoft. In other case Retrofit can not allow analyze DISCO endpoint or /help endpoint of API and can not build interface and classes automatically, you must define and describe endpoint manually by own hand. This combination of function (compose JSON converter with HTTPClient to one package but automatically building API interface classes is absent at all) look strange for .NET Developer, but in Android platform this is standard point of view.

However, there are more familiar solution for .NET Developer - Volley, see detail instruction how to work with Volley for example in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPi-z3nOcn8.

In this page I describe how to use Retrofit step-by-step. Full code has been published to github https://github.com/Alex-1347/RetrofitTest

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Link to this page: //www.vb-net.com/RetrofitTest/Index.htm