(MVC) MVC (2018)

Proxy-handler for graphhopper.com.

Today all maps and routing online services for site owners is been not free. GraphHopper is a good worldwide paid service for showing routing in map, but the paid key has been transfer through internet and showing in browser for client in unmasked clear form. In other side this service has limit for day's and month's request.

For solve problem to hide the key I found a one way - to create a server's proxy-hadler. I had learning a structure of graphhopper internal javascript library and found some interesting modules. Firstly, graphhopper_api_distance.js contains key in clear form, that I have replaced to masked key.

  43:  var host, defaultKey = "55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555",
  44:      profile = "car",
  45:      ghRouting = new GraphHopper.Routing({
  46:          key: defaultKey,
  47:          host: host,
  48:          vehicle: profile,
  49:          locale: "ru",
  50:          elevation: !1
  51:      }),
  52:      routingMap = createMap("place-map"),
  53:      routingLayer = L.geoJson().addTo(routingMap);

And after details learning of graphhopper_api.js module I had understanding so this module contains six prototypes of javascript objects with definition of direct URI request to graphopper server, like below. And after that I replace request for graphhopper.com to myowndomain.com

4471:      17: [function (k, v, x) {
4472:          var e = k("superagent"),
4473:              u = k("bluebird"),
4474:              q = new(k("./GHUtil"));
4475:          GraphHopperRouting = function (a) {
4476:              this.points = [];
4477:              this.host = "https://myowndomain.com/graphhopperproxy/graphhopperproxy.ashx"; // https://graphhopper.com/api/1
4478:              this.vehicle = "car";
4479:              this.debug = !1;
4480:              this.data_type = "application/json";
4481:              this.locale = "en";
4482:              this.instructions = this.points_encoded = !0;
4483:              this.elevation = !1;
4484:              this.optimize = "false";
4485:              this.basePath = "/route";
4486:              this.timeout = 1E4;
4487:              this.graphhopper_maps_host =
4488:                  "https://graphhopper.com/maps/?";
4489:              this.turn_sign_map = {
4490:                  "-6": "leave roundabout",
4491:                  "-3": "turn sharp left",
4492:                  "-2": "turn left",
4493:                  "-1": "turn slight left",
4494:                  0: "continue",
4495:                  1: "turn slight right",
4496:                  2: "turn right",
4497:                  3: "turn sharp right",
4498:                  4: "finish",
4499:                  5: "reached via point",
4500:                  6: "enter roundabout"
4501:              };
4502:              q.copyProperties(a, this)
4503:          };

This handler store response of graphopper.com to DB and send it to client.

After that I had created a virtual directory in IIS and convert it to application. In this directory I have placed all code of my proxy handler.

Also I had created database with clear and masked user keys and had provided access for this DB with full security compliance.

After above points was done I had created simple ASP.NET project with linq-to-sql ORM and extremaly simply code.

   1:  <%@ WebHandler Language="VB" Class="GraphhopperProxy" %>
   3:  Imports System
   4:  Imports System.Web
   6:  Public Class GraphhopperProxy : Implements IHttpHandler
   8:      Public Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As HttpContext) Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest
   9:          Dim GrDB As New GraphhopperDBDataContext
  11:          Dim RawUrl As String = context.Server.HtmlDecode(context.Request.RawUrl)
  12:          If context.Request.Headers("referer").ToLower.Contains("votpusk.ru") And _
  13:             context.Request.Headers("host").ToLower.Contains("votpusk.ru") And _
  14:             context.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString.ToLower.Contains("votpusk.ru") Then
  16:              GrDB.RequestTests.InsertOnSubmit(New RequestTest With {.[date] = Now, .type = "RawURL", .txt = context.Request.RawUrl})
  18:              Dim Keys = GrDB.GraphhoperKeys.ToList
  19:              For Each Row In Keys
  20:                  RawUrl = RawUrl.Replace(Row.MaskedKey.ToString, Row.RealKey.ToString)
  21:              Next
  23:              Dim RequestURL As String = RawUrl.Replace("/graphhopperproxy/graphhopperproxy.ashx", "https://graphhopper.com/api/1")
  24:              GrDB.RequestTests.InsertOnSubmit(New RequestTest With {.[date] = Now, .type = "RequestURL", .txt = RequestURL})
  26:              Dim Html As String = GetPage(RequestURL, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
  27:              GrDB.RequestTests.InsertOnSubmit(New RequestTest With {.[date] = Now, .type = "Response", .txt = Html})
  28:              GrDB.SubmitChanges()
  30:              context.Response.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8"
  31:              context.Response.ContentEncoding = UTF8Encoding.UTF8
  32:              context.Response.Write(Html)
  33:          Else
  34:              context.Response.Write("forbidden")
  35:          End If
  36:      End Sub
  38:      Public ReadOnly Property IsReusable() As Boolean Implements IHttpHandler.IsReusable
  39:          Get
  40:              Return False
  41:          End Get
  42:      End Property
  45:      Public Shared Function GetPage(ByVal URL As String, Encoding As System.Text.Encoding) As String
  46:          Try
  47:              '???????????? ???? HTTP
  48:              Dim PageRequest As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = CType(System.Net.WebRequest.Create(URL), System.Net.HttpWebRequest)
  49:              PageRequest.Headers("Origin") = "https://routes.votpusk.ru"
  50:              PageRequest.Headers("TE") = "Trailers"
  51:              PageRequest.Accept = "application/json"
  52:              PageRequest.ContentType = "application/json"
  53:              PageRequest.Method = "GET"
  54:              '?????????????????? ????????????
  55:              Dim PageResponse As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = PageRequest.GetResponse
  56:              '?????????????? ??????????
  57:              Dim Reader As New System.IO.StreamReader(PageResponse.GetResponseStream(), Encoding, True)
  58:              Dim HTML As String = Reader.ReadToEnd
  59:              Reader.Close()
  60:              '?????????????????? ?? ????????????
  61:              Return HTML
  62:          Catch ex As Exception
  63:              Return "Error: " & ex.Message
  64:          End Try
  65:      End Function
  68:  End Class

I won't describe all of this project, this is only point for quick start, but further this project has many extension, like cache response of graphhopper and autonomy working without request to graphopper.

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Link to this page: //www.vb-net.com/GraphhopperProxy/index.htm