About me and my site.

Hello, I'm experienced full-stack developer. I started learning programming since 1978 year (46 years ago) and start working as professional programmer since 1986 year (38 years ago) from Assembler IBM/360 as developer of Ukrainian National Cosmic Agency, than I pass a lot of various programming environment as IBM/370, RSX, RT-11 and a lot of various programming languages as PL/I, Clipper and so on. Since 2002-2003 year I moved from VB6 to VB.NET, and since then I passed all MS technology stack and now my point of interest are NET Core 7, Mobile phone and Angular. I can write in various languages, but still prefer VB.NET (if it possible) on .NET environment. And last 3 years I write mostly on Angular/Typescript/Javascript.
Examples of my software I have done:
- various JAVA and NativeScript application for Mobile phone, for example - My Android Java Voip Messenger, My Android Java apps for SelfTesting JS skills, NativeScript Mosaic, Up and running Angular application on Android mobile phone with NativeScript
- various components for Mobile phone, for example - How to debug Android frontend, How to build application server based on push notification from Firebase, Як будуються адаптивні сайти для мобільників та десктопів на CLASSIC ASP.NET
- various Node backend components, for example - Project to move my blog from private VM with Cloudflare VPN to Google Drive and Cloudflare R2 storage, My ticket lottery engine based on SQL CTE procedure
- various Angular components, for example - 5 way to create modal windows with Angular (Angular material, UIKit with toggle tag, UIKit with custom function, jQuery UI modal, Bootstrap modal), Example of my async Angular code (async chain with Fetch site icon plus async save to storage) with ActivityIndicator on frontend, Main Angular futures - router, interceptor, pass parameters between components, plus server-side Angular Backend API on NextJS
- various Typescript ServiceWorker components, for example serverless Telegram bot Serverless Telegram bot on Cloudflare, Cloudflare proxy with special CORS policy
- various ASP.NET C# task, look for example Migration ASP.NET to NET Core 8 (including EF6 to EF Core) or C# EF code first. How to create DB context and deploy DB in Net Core 8
- various windows desktop application, for example - Samantha - my typical VB.NET desktop application., Airport Security System (based on Zebra scanner), Multi Languages Spell Checker for webmaster, Складська прога на WCF-сервісах зі сканером., Конструктор PDF-схем, EventLogger - example of Task.Factory.FromAsync, Task.Run, ReaderWriterLock, Interlocked.Increment, Stream.BeginWrite, SyncLock, Timeout, AsyncCallback, IAsyncResult, String.Format, Timespan
- various windows services, for example - Windows service example
- various Linux daemons, for example - Informer - site colaboration with JS and simple NET Core ApiController., Monitoring docker events, How Linux Net Core 3.1 daemon (in VB.NET) can read/write data from/to ancient MS SQL 2005
- various Linux console application, for example - Linux shell parser (Renci.SshNet.SshClient, MySqlConnector.NET, RSA encription, Console password, XDocument/XPath, Tuple, Regex, Buffer.BlockCopy, Stream, Base64String, UTF8.GetBytes, ToString("X2")), ComDetector - утилита поиска COM-оборудования
- various Linux desktop application, for example - SNMP-тестер сетевых устройств. GUI-программа на Windows.Forms для Linux.
- various windows console application, for example - SQLServerTxtDump - my typical windows console utility in VB.NET. Example of System.Data.SqlClient, GetSchemaTable, DataTable/DataRow, Action/Func, Linq, Tuple, IEnumerable, Iterator, Yield, Byte.ToString("x2"), DBNull, Array of Object.,
- various bots, for example - My last Telegram bots, How to make Discord Bot, My Trading bots (video)
- various SOAP/WSDL B2B services, for example - Typical SOAP/WSDL service., How to make WCF service public with Visual Studio, add SSL and debug WCF SSL REST service, Start WCF service as REST
- various COM-objects, for example - PDF creator COM-object based on TheArtOfDev.HtmlRenderer.PdfSharp
- various SQL-CLR procedures, for example - Сommon template of table value SQL CLR Assembly, SQL-Client_for_remote_XML-WebService - клиент meteonova.ru
- various JS components, for example - Cropper світлин сайту., My site with peer-to-peer communication based on Mizu-Voip library., AuctionClient site future
- various gateways to 3-rd party API, for example payment gateway or with collaboration API- Bla-Bla-Car Server
- various special web-scrapper, for example - My web scrapper with asynchronous web request and visual proxy availability detection., Parse HTML by HtmlAgilityPack (Xpath selector) and CsQuery (jQuery selector).
- various FLEX (JAVA implementation) components, for example - FlexStringObfuscator - Flame-преобразования во Flex., AIR приложения для платформ Android, Macintosh и Linux, RTMP Player
- various components to support testing and development process, for example - Use Fiddler as reverse proxy to isolate microservice for trace request from Redux frontend and to Amazon DynamoDB and debug SignalR hub, Processing Backend result in Angular frontend as typed data, Scaffolding Angular Client From Swagger.json, Этюды на ASP2. Простейший баг-трекер.,My TDD Technique for Backend API development with Xunit (Custom Attribute, WebClient GET/POST, JWT auth, Fact, Theory, InlineData, ClassData iterator function, Inject Log, Txt parsers for console output), Simplest VB.NET WebApi2 client for RESTful microServices documented by Swagger/OpenAPI, Unit-тести для ASP.NET MVC, How to debug SignalR application in Net Core 3.1
- various custom Razor helpers, for example - How to create Razor html-helper in VB.NET
- various special extension, for example Five amazing Linq-to-SQL extension
- various special package for common use, for example look to Nuget.org - https://www.nuget.org/packages/RFC4648_Base32_Encoder/1.0.0
- various Blazor components description, for example look to Visual Studio marketplace my project templates for Blazor https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vb-net-com.BlazorAdminPanel
- various plugins for Visual Studio, for example - https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=alexev14.AddFolderToSolutionForVS2022 and how to use it How to integrated MS DefaulUI with CustomUserStore.
- various database management systems, for example - Альтернативная оболочка к SQL2005
- various application related to Excel, for example - Multithreading Parsers with Parallel, CsQuery, Newtonsoft.Json, OfficeOpenXml and IAsyncResult/AsyncCallback., Generic VB.NET function for loading ExcelFile to DataBase (EF6 CodeFirst) with Reflection and avoiding Linq-to-Entity Linq.Expressions (use Linq-to-Object IEnumerable) , ExcelPrice Converter - скачка и преобразование документов Excel в нужный формат за три клика мышкой., Processing Office Open XML (xlsx) files by EPPlus, Шаблон кода для роботи з MS Excel., Cайтік з web-сервісом, специфічнім membership-провайдером та даними Excel
- various adding for Browsers, for example - How to Read URLs from Firefox tabs by UI Automation., DownloadHandler for CefSharp.Winforms.ChromiumWebBrowser., Small .Net Wrapper Around Firefox, How to parse JSON by Newtonsoft.Json (on example of FireFox Tab Session Manager and decrypted JwtSecurityToken)
- various installer projects, see for example - Windows installers - Nuget package manager, MSIX packaging tool, MSIX hero, VS WAP deploy (AppInstaller tag)
- various cryptocurrency components and task, for example - Up and running Ethereum 2.0 node, Dockerizing Masternodes, Як зробити собі криптогаманець
- various components related to mailing, for example ASP.NET Core Backend with MailKit/IMAP (Async/Await, Monitor, ConcurrentQueue, CancellationTokenSource)., Tune SQL-dbmail COM-component, MailKit/MimeKit - best eMail client
- various special handlers, see for example - Proxy-handler for graphhopper.com., Как сделать простейший Web-handler - формирующий XML или JSON.
- various special membership providers, for example - How to integrated MS DefaulUI with CustomUserStore., How to add admin panel to ASP.NET MVC5 site and simple authentication without AspNetSqlMembershipProvider.
- various special interfaces to 3-td party API, for example - LibVirt Net Core wrapper test on production QEMU/KVM server., Client software to manage docker based on Docker.DotNet, Private Docker Registry, Payment Gateway до системи Paymaster на VB.NET, Програмне адміністрування Wowza-Серверу, ASP.NET API до WHMCS, Этюды на ASP2. Обращение к Whois-сервису, MongoDB - noSQL-database for irregular JSON data
- millions of various components related to ASP Classic, for example Access Uploader and multipart/form-data parser for ASP Classic
- millions of various components related to ASP.NET, because most of orders I have exactly for ASP.NET projects and most of hundreds descriptions in my blog related exactly to ASP.NET, for example look to this page - ASP.NET MVC Handbook
My notes for last 25 years (by tags):
- #Ai Tag (4)
- #Access Tag (5)
- #Android Tag (24)
- #AndroidMosaic Tag (20)
- #AndroidJavaLearning Tag (29)
- #Angular Tag (20)
- #AngularTypesctiptLearning Tag (13)
- #AspClassic Tag (12)
- #AspNetClassic Tag (98)
- #AspNetMvc Tag (39)
- #Authentication Tag (5)
- #Binary Tag (9)
- #Blazor Tag (5)
- #Bot Tag (3)
- #Browser Tag (22)
- #Cloud Tag (19)
- #Cloudflare Tag (8)
- #ComObject Tag (10)
- #ContactMe Tag (5)
- #Crypto Tag (9)
- #Css Tag (18)
- #Delegate Tag (9)
- #DevEnvironment Tag (41)
- #Device Tag (38)
- #Doc Tag (24)
- #Docker Tag (14)
- #EfCodeFirst Tag (23)
- #Electron Tag (4)
- #English Tag (9)
- #ES6 Tag (8)
- #Excel Tag (17)
- #Flex Tag (39)
- #Front Tag (17)
- #FrontLearning Tag (23)
- #FuckRussia Tag (13)
- #Git Tag (10)
- #Google Tag (17)
- #Installer Tag (7)
- #Java Tag (23)
- #JavascriptProjects Tag (17)
- #Job Tag (51)
- #Kiosk Tag (7)
- #Kvm Tag (9)
- #Linux Tag (64)
- #Mailing Tag (19)
- #Microsoft Tag (52)
- #Nativescript Tag (11)
- #NetCommon Tag (42)
- #NetCoreBackend Tag (43)
- #NetLearning Tag (16)
- #NetStart Tag (5)
- #NodeBackend Tag (13)
- #PaymentGateway Tag (6)
- #Pdf Tag (5)
- #Php Tag (6)
- #Privacy Tag (8)
- #Servers Tag (60)
- #Sql Tag (54)
- #SqlClr Tag (12)
- #Ssl Tag (20)
- #Supabase Tag (3)
- #Task Tag (26)
- #Telegram Tag (4)
- #Testing Tag (8)
- #Theory Tag (5)
- #TimeSchedule Tag (8)
- #Travel Tag (60)
- #Vb6 Tag (5)
- #Video Tag (22)
- #VmWare Tag (10)
- #Voip Tag (10)
- #Vpn Tag (6)
- #WebApiServer Tag (23)
- #WebServer Tag (17)
- #WebServiceClient Tag (48)
- #WinDesktop Tag (105)
- #WindowsApi Tag (6)
- #Wsh Tag (10)
- #Xml Tag (15)
- #Yield Tag (11)
My best projects
My last public project templates in VisualStudio Marketplace and last Nuget packages.
- 2022 year: VB.NET BackendAPI (Net Core 5) project template with Custom Attribute, Service and Controller Example, MySQL database with masked password in config, SwaggerUI, EF Core and extension to EF Core - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: VB.NET ASP.NET Core 3.1 Jwt Protected Microservices Without Mvc Controller (Project Template for VS2019) - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: VB.NET ASP.NET Core 3.1 Authorize Microservices With Mvc Controller By Jwt (Project Template for VS2019) - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: VB.NET ASP.NET Core 3.1 Oauth2 my public Project Template for VS2019 with new IdentityServer4 (v 3.1.2) - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: VB.NET ASP.NET Core 3.1 Microservices my public Project Template for VS2019 with InMemoryDB - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: VB.NET ASP.NET Core 3.1 SwaggerUI Project Template for VS2019 - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: VB.NET ASP.NET Core 3.1 Quartz services Project Template for VS2019 - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: VB.NET ASP.NET Core 3.1 Simplest WebHandler implementation (Project Template for VS2019) - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: VB.NET ASP.NET Core 3.1 Audit by custom attribute (Project Template for VS2019) - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: VB.NET ASP.NET Core 3.1 xUnit Oauth2 test (Project Template for VS2019) - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: VB.NET ASP.NET Core 3.1 nUnit Middleware test (Project Template for VS2019) - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: VB.NET ASP.NET Core 3.1 Discord Bot (Project Template for VS2019) - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: VB.NET ASP.NET Core 3.1 SignalR console tester (Project Template for VS2019) - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: VB.NET ASP.NET Core 3.1 Microservice with typed SignalR Hub (Project Template for VS2019) - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: C# ASP.NET Core 3.1 BlazorCRUD (InMemoryDatabase) - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: C# ASP.NET Core 3.1 NitfyStyle Collapsed menu by Blazor - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: C# ASP.NET Core 3.1 Call Microservices From Blazor With Jwt Protection - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: C# ASP.NET Core 3.1 Hook to Linux CLI periodically by Blazor - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: C# ASP.NET Core 3.1 RoleBased admin panel for Blazor site - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: C# ASP.NET Core 3.1 Blazor show and backup all project data - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: C# ASP.NET Core 3.1 Blazor component future - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [VisualStudio Marketplace]
- 2020 year: VB.NET NET.CORE 3.1 RFC4648 Base32 EncoderDecoder - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [Nuget]
- 2019 year: VB.NET NET.CORE 3.1 dumper any Objects to certain depth for debug purposes - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [Nuget]
- 2019 year: VB.NET NET.CORE 3.1 Backuper DB with different field type to CSV file - Download from: [MyServer], [Github], [Nuget]
- 2019 year: VB.NET NET.CORE 3.1 WebApi2 Client with CryptoCoins extension - Download from: [MyServer], [Github]
- 2020 year: CentOS 8 based docker with additionally mrt, nslookup, git, ftp, wget, openssl, checksum, nano - Download from: [MyServer], [docker hub]
- 2020 year: Dockerizing Masternodes - Download from docker hub: [coinbase], [coinbase-boost], [digiwage], [genesisx], [kalkulus], [giant]
Some examples of my last projects related to Javascript/Typescript/Node/Angular
Some examples of my projects related to Javascript/Typescript/Node/Angular:
- I made a number of projects with Angular (server side, client side and mobile development on Angular), this is some examples:
- This is project with Nest.JS and TypeORM, just a couple of screens Server Angular (NestJs) learning.
- About Node backend Typescript ORM: Test project with Nest.js and Sequelize ORM.
- A couple of years I have rebuild Blazor project to Angular, this is some page from that job [Angular mosaic 1] My fast style, Intercept routing events (router-outlet onActivate event, @Input, extends base page).
- A lot of small project, for example Simple AngularFirebaseUploader as Typescript console application - npx ts-node (function main).
- A couple of investigation about modal popup windows on Angular 5 way to create modal windows with Angular (Angular material, UIKit with toggle tag, UIKit with custom function, jQuery UI modal, Bootstrap modal).
- This is my Mobile application on Angular NativeScript and Angular form
- About my Angular frontend what I made from scratch Processing Backend result in Angular frontend as typed data
- This is another ASP.NET Core project with Angular frontend, I just made refactoring of this project Key future of RPAT backend project.
- I have created a couple of Node.JS projects without Angular, this is my top projects:
- I made some changing in this project Brief of real workable NestJs application.
- Node backend project (clone of bountycompetitions) My ticket lottery engine based on SQL CTE procedure.
- Node backend project to support this blog Node project for support this blog.
- I made a lot of various project for WebWorker, for example:
- My Telegram bots Telegram bots and Telegram MiniApps.
- My Cloudflare proxy Cloudflare proxy with special CORS policy.
- Project for himself Project to move my blog from private VM with Cloudflare VPN to Google Drive and Cloudflare R2 storage
- I made number of projects with Electron:
- Angular Electron project: My workable project template for Angular Electron.
- My Electron video player Electron video player with cashing and CSP policy.
- I made number of projects with clear JS, for example:
- RxJs and animation RxJs animation
- Also I try to write lectures about Javascript, please look its to this page:
- My JS Lecture My lecture about Javascript (Ukrainian language).
- And, of course, I made a lot of ASP.NET Classic and ASP.NET MVC especially focused to javascript frontend, for example:
My Contacts
