ASP.NET (snapshot 2017) Microsoft documentation and samples

ASP.NET overview


Web Forms


Getting Started

Getting Started with ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms and Visual Studio 2013

Getting Started with Web Forms and Visual Studio
Create the Project
Create the Data Access Layer
UI and Navigation
Display Data Items and Details
Shopping Cart
Checkout and Payment with PayPal
Membership and Administration
URL Routing
ASP.NET Error Handling

Creating a Basic Web Forms Page in Visual Studio 2013

Code Editing ASP.NET Web Forms in Visual Studio 2013

Using Page Inspector for Visual Studio 2012 in ASP.NET Web Forms

Visual Studio 2012 Hands On Labs

What’s New in ASP.NET and Web Development in Visual Studio 2012
What’s New in Web Forms in ASP.NET 4.5
Using Page Inspector in Visual Studio 2012

Working with Data

Model Binding and Web Forms in Visual Studio 2013

Retrieving and Displaying Data
Updating, Deleting, and Creating Data
Sorting, Paging, and Filtering Data
Integrating JQuery UI Datepicker
Using Query String Values to Filter Data
Adding Business Logic Layer

Security, Authentication, and Authorization

Create a secure ASP.NET Web Forms app with user registration, email confirmation and password reset (C#)

Create an ASP.NET Web Forms app with SMS Two-Factor Authentication (C#)


Using Asynchronous Methods in ASP.NET 4.5


ASP.NET Web Deployment using Visual Studio

Preparing for Database Deployment
Web.config File Transformations
Project Properties
Deploying to Test
Setting Folder Permissions
Deploying to Production
Deploying a Code Update
Deploying a Database Update
Command Line Deployment
Deploying Extra Files

ASP.NET 4 - Enterprise Deployment Introduction

Deploying Web Applications in Enterprise Scenarios using Visual Studio 2010
Enterprise Web Deployment: Scenario Overview
Application Lifecycle Management: From Development to Production

ASP.NET 4 - Enterprise Deployment Series 1

Web Deployment in the Enterprise
The Contact Manager Solution
Setting Up the Contact Manager Solution
Understanding the Project File
Understanding the Build Process
Building and Packaging Web Application Projects
Configuring Parameters for Web Package Deployment
Deploying Web Packages
Deploying Database Projects
Creating and Running a Deployment Command File
Manually Installing Web Packages

ASP.NET 4 - Enterprise Deployment Series 2 Configuring Servers

Configuring Server Environments for Web Deployment
Choosing the Right Approach to Web Deployment
Scenario: Configuring a Test Environment for Web Deployment
Scenario: Configuring a Staging Environment for Web Deployment
Scenario: Configuring a Production Environment for Web Deployment
Configuring a Web Server for Web Deploy Publishing (Remote Agent)
Configuring a Web Server for Web Deploy Publishing (Web Deploy Handler)
Configuring a Web Server for Web Deploy Publishing (Offline Deployment)
Configuring a Database Server for Web Deploy Publishing
Creating a Server Farm with the Web Farm Framework
Configuring Deployment Properties for a Target Environment

ASP.NET 4 - Enterprise Deployment Series 3 Configuring TFS

Configuring Team Foundation Server for Web Deployment
Creating a Team Project in TFS
Adding Content to Source Control
Configuring a TFS Build Server for Web Deployment
Creating a Build Definition That Supports Deployment
Deploying a Specific Build
Configuring Permissions for Team Build Deployment

ASP.NET 4 - Enterprise Deployment Series 4 Advanced Topics

Advanced Enterprise Web Deployment
Performing a “What If” Deployment
Customizing Database Deployments for Multiple Environments
Deploying Database Role Memberships to Test Environments
Deploying Membership Databases to Enterprise Environments
Excluding Files and Folders from Deployment
Taking Web Applications Offline with Web Deploy
Running Windows PowerShell Scripts from MSBuild Project Files
Troubleshooting the Packaging Process


ASP.NET Web Forms Connection Resiliency and Command Interception

Older Versions - Getting Started

ASP.NET 4 - Tailspin Spyworks

Part 1: File-> New Project
Part 2: Data Access Layer
Part 3: Layout and Category Menu
Part 4: Listing Products
Part 5: Business Logic
Part 6: ASP.NET Membership
Part 7: Adding Features
Part 8: Final Pages, Exception Handling, and Conclusion

ASP.NET 4 - Getting Started with Entity Framework 4 and Web Forms

Getting Started with Entity Framework 4.0 Database First
Getting Started with Entity Framework 4.0 Database First - Part 2
Getting Started with Entity Framework 4.0 Database First - Part 3
Getting Started with Entity Framework 4.0 Database First - Part 4
Getting Started with Entity Framework 4.0 Database First - Part 5
Getting Started with Entity Framework 4.0 Database First - Part 6
Getting Started with Entity Framework 4.0 Database First - Part 7
Getting Started with Entity Framework 4.0 Database First - Part 8

ASP.NET 4 - Continuing with Entity Framework 4 and Web Forms

Entity Framework 4.0 and the ObjectDataSource Control, Part 1: Getting Started
Entity Framework 4.0 and the ObjectDataSource Control, Part 2: Adding a Business Logic Layer and Unit Tests
Entity Framework 4.0 and the ObjectDataSource Control, Part 3: Sorting and Filtering
Handling Concurrency with the Entity Framework 4.0 in ASP.NET 4
Maximizing Performance with the Entity Framework 4.0 in ASP.NET 4
What’s New in the Entity Framework 4.0

ASP.NET 4 - Web Deployment with SQL Server Compact using Visual Studio

Visual Studio Web Deployment with SQL Server Compact - Introduction
Visual Studio Web Deployment with SQL Server Compact- Deploying SQL Server Compact Databases
Visual Studio Web Deployment with SQL Server Compact - Web.Config File Transformations
Visual Studio Web Deployment with SQL Server Compact - Configuring Project Properties
Visual Studio Web Deployment with SQL Server Compact - Deploying to IIS as a Test Environment
Visual Studio Web Deployment with SQL Server Compact - Setting Folder Permissions
Visual Studio Web Deployment with SQL Server Compact - Deploying to the Production Environment
Visual Studio Web Deployment with SQL Server Compact - Deploying a Code-Only Update
Visual Studio Web Deployment with SQL Server Compact - Deploying a Database Update
Visual Studio Web Deployment with SQL Server Compact - Migrating to SQL Server
Visual Studio Web Deployment with SQL Server Compact - Deploying a SQL Server Database Update
Visual Studio Web Deployment with SQL Server Compact - Troubleshooting


Understanding Partial Page Updates with ASP.NET AJAX
Understanding ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel Triggers
Understanding ASP.NET AJAX Authentication and Profile Application Services
Understanding ASP.NET AJAX Localization
Understanding ASP.NET AJAX Web Services
Understanding ASP.NET AJAX Debugging Capabilities

ASP.NET 3.5 - Web Forms Master Pages

Creating a Site-Wide Layout Using Master Pages (C#)
Multiple ContentPlaceHolders and Default Content (C#)
Specifying the Title, Meta Tags, and Other HTML Headers in the Master Page (C#)
URLs in Master Pages (C#)
Control ID Naming in Content Pages (C#)
Interacting with the Master Page from the Content Page (C#)
Interacting with the Content Page from the Master Page (C#)
Master Pages and ASP.NET AJAX (C#)
Specifying the Master Page Programmatically (C#)
Nested Master Pages (C#)
Creating a Site-Wide Layout Using Master Pages (VB)
Multiple ContentPlaceHolders and Default Content (VB)
Specifying the Title, Meta Tags, and Other HTML Headers in the Master Page (VB)
URLs in Master Pages (VB)
Control ID Naming in Content Pages (VB)
Interacting with the Master Page from the Content Page (VB)
Interacting with the Content Page from the Master Page (VB)
Master Pages and ASP.NET AJAX (VB)
Specifying the Master Page Programmatically (VB)
Nested Master Pages (VB)

Deploying Web Site Projects in Visual Studio 2008 and earlier

ASP.NET Hosting Options (C#)
Determining What Files Need to Be Deployed (C#)
Deploying Your Site Using an FTP Client (C#)
Deploying Your Site Using Visual Studio (C#)
Common Configuration Differences Between Development and Production (C#)
Core Differences Between IIS and the ASP.NET Development Server (C#)
Deploying a Database (C#)
Configuring the Production Web Application to Use the Production Database (C#)
Configuring a Website that Uses Application Services (C#)
Strategies for Database Development and Deployment (C#)
Displaying a Custom Error Page (C#)
Processing Unhandled Exceptions (C#)
Logging Error Details with ASP.NET Health Monitoring (C#)
Logging Error Details with ELMAH (C#)
Precompiling Your Website (C#)
Users and Roles On Production Website (C#)
ASP.NET Hosting Options (VB)
Determining What Files Need to Be Deployed (VB)
Deploying Your Site Using an FTP Client (VB)
Deploying Your Site Using Visual Studio (VB)
Common Configuration Differences Between Development and Production (VB)
Core Differences Between IIS and the ASP.NET Development Server (VB)
Deploying a Database (VB)
Configuring the Production Web Application to Use the Production Database (VB)
Configuring a Website that Uses Application Services (VB)
Strategies for Database Development and Deployment (VB)
Displaying a Custom Error Page (VB)
Processing Unhandled Exceptions (VB)
Logging Error Details with ASP.NET Health Monitoring (VB)
Logging Error Details with ELMAH (VB)
Precompiling Your Website (VB)
Users and Roles On Production Website (VB)

Older Versions - Ajax Control Toolkit

Getting Started

Get Started with the AJAX Control Toolkit (C#)
Using AJAX Control Toolkit Controls and Control Extenders (C#)
Creating a Custom AJAX Control Toolkit Control Extender (C#)
Get Started with the AJAX Control Toolkit (VB)
Using AJAX Control Toolkit Controls and Control Extenders (VB)
Creating a Custom AJAX Control Toolkit Control Extender (VB)


Databinding to an Accordion (C#)
Dynamically Adding Accordion Pane (C#)
Databinding to an Accordion (VB)
Dynamically Adding Accordion Pane (VB)


Adding Animation to a Control (C#)
Executing Several Animations at Same Time (C#)
Executing Several Animations after Each Other (C#)
Animation Depending On a Condition (C#)
Picking One Animation Out Of a List (C#)
Animating in Response To User Interaction (C#)
Disabling Actions during Animation (C#)
Triggering an Animation in another Control (C#)
Modifying Animations From Server Side (C#)
Executing Animations Using Client-Side Code (C#)
Changing an Animation Using Client-Side Code (C#)
Animating an UpdatePanel Control (C#)
Dynamically Controlling UpdatePanel Animations (C#)
Adding Animation to a Control (VB)
Executing Several Animations at Same Time (VB)
Executing Several Animations after Each Other (VB)
Animation Depending On a Condition (VB)
Picking One Animation Out Of a List (VB)
Animating in Response To User Interaction (VB)
Disabling Actions during Animation (VB)
Triggering an Animation in another Control (VB)
Modifying Animations From Server Side (VB)
Executing Animations Using Client-Side Code (VB)
Changing an Animation Using Client-Side Code (VB)
Animating an UpdatePanel Control (VB)
Dynamically Controlling UpdatePanel Animations (VB)


Filling a List Using CascadingDropDown (C#)
Using CascadingDropDown with a Database (C#)
Presetting List Entries with CascadingDropDown (C#)
Using Auto-Postback with CascadingDropDown (C#)
Filling a List Using CascadingDropDown (VB)
Using CascadingDropDown with a Database (VB)
Presetting List Entries with CascadingDropDown (VB)
Using Auto-Postback with CascadingDropDown (VB)


Collapsing and Expanding a Panel from JavaScript (C#)
Collapsing and Expanding a Panel from JavaScript (VB)


ColorPicker Control Extender (C#)
ColorPicker Control Extender (VB)


ComboBox Control (C#)
ComboBox Control (VB)


Using a ConfirmButton In a Repeater (C#)
Using a ConfirmButton In a Repeater (VB)


Adjusting the Z-Index of a DropShadow (C#)
Manipulating DropShadow Properties from Client Code (C#)
Adjusting the Z-Index of a DropShadow (VB)
Manipulating DropShadow Properties from Client Code (VB)


Dynamically Populating a Control (C#)
Dynamically Populating a Control Using JavaScript Code (C#)
Using DynamicPopulate with a User Control And JavaScript (C#)
Dynamically Populating a Control (VB)
Dynamically Populating a Control Using JavaScript Code (VB)
Using DynamicPopulate with a User Control And JavaScript (VB)


Allowing Only Certain Characters in a Text Box (C#)
Allowing Only Certain Characters in a Text Box (VB)


Using HoverMenu with a Repeater Control (C#)
Using HoverMenu with a Repeater Control (VB)


HTML Editor Control (C#)
HTML Editor Control (VB)


Launching a Modal Popup Window from Server Code (C#)
Using ModalPopup with a Repeater Control (C#)
Handling Postbacks from a ModalPopup (C#)
Positioning a ModalPopup (C#)
Launching a Modal Popup Window from Server Code (VB)
Using ModalPopup with a Repeater Control (VB)
Handling Postbacks from a ModalPopup (VB)
Positioning a ModalPopup (VB)


Creating Mutually Exclusive Checkboxes (C#)
Creating Mutually Exclusive Checkboxes (VB)


Fighting Bots (C#)
Fighting Bots (VB)


Creating a Numeric Up/Down Control with a Web Service Backend (C#)
Creating a Numeric Up/Down Control with a Web Service Backend (VB)


Testing the Strength of a Password (C#)
Testing the Strength of a Password (VB)
Using Multiple Popup Controls (C#)
Handling Postbacks from A Popup Control With an UpdatePanel (C#)
Handling Postbacks from A Popup Control Without an UpdatePanel (C#)
Using Multiple Popup Controls (VB)
Handling Postbacks from A Popup Control With an UpdatePanel (VB)
Handling Postbacks from A Popup Control Without an UpdatePanel (VB)


Creating a Rating Control (C#)
Creating a Rating Control (VB)


Using Postbacks with ReorderList (C#)
Drag and Drop via ReorderList (C#)
Using Postbacks with ReorderList (VB)
Drag and Drop via ReorderList (VB)


Slider Control With Auto-Postback (C#)
Databinding the Slider Control (C#)
Slider Control With Auto-Postback (VB)
Databinding the Slider Control (VB)


Using TextBoxWatermark in a FormView (C#)
Using TextBoxWatermark With Validation Controls (C#)
Using TextBoxWatermark in a FormView (VB)
Using TextBoxWatermark With Validation Controls (VB)

Older Versions - Data Access


Creating a Data Access Layer (C#)
Creating a Business Logic Layer (C#)
Master Pages and Site Navigation (C#)
Creating a Data Access Layer (VB)
Creating a Business Logic Layer (VB)
Master Pages and Site Navigation (VB)

Basic Reporting

Displaying Data With the ObjectDataSource (C#)
Declarative Parameters (C#)
Programmatically Setting the ObjectDataSource’s Parameter Values (C#)
Displaying Data With the ObjectDataSource (VB)
Declarative Parameters (VB)
Programmatically Setting the ObjectDataSource’s Parameter Values (VB)


Master/Detail Filtering With a DropDownList (C#)
Master/Detail Filtering With Two DropDownLists (C#)
Master/Detail Filtering Across Two Pages (C#)
Master/Detail Using a Selectable Master GridView with a Details DetailView (C#)
Master/Detail Filtering With a DropDownList (VB)
Master/Detail Filtering With Two DropDownLists (VB)
Master/Detail Filtering Across Two Pages (VB)
Master/Detail Using a Selectable Master GridView with a Details DetailView (VB)

Custom Formatting

Custom Formatting Based Upon Data (C#)
Using TemplateFields in the GridView Control (C#)
Using TemplateFields in the DetailsView Control (C#)
FormView’s Templates (C#)
Custom Formatting Based Upon Data (VB)
Using TemplateFields in the GridView Control (VB)
Using TemplateFields in the DetailsView Control (VB)
FormView’s Templates (VB)

Editing, Inserting, and Deleting Data

Overview of Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data (C#)
Examining the Events Associated with Inserting, Updating, and Deleting (C#)
Handling BLL- and DAL-Level Exceptions in an ASP.NET Page (C#)
Adding Validation Controls to the Editing and Inserting Interfaces (C#)
Customizing the Data Modification Interface (C#)
Implementing Optimistic Concurrency (C#)
Adding Client-Side Confirmation When Deleting (C#)
Limiting Data Modification Functionality Based on the User (C#)
Overview of Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data (VB)
Examining the Events Associated with Inserting, Updating, and Deleting (VB)
Handling BLL- and DAL-Level Exceptions in an ASP.NET Page (VB)
Adding Validation Controls to the Editing and Inserting Interfaces (VB)
Customizing the Data Modification Interface (VB)
Implementing Optimistic Concurrency (VB)
Adding Client-Side Confirmation When Deleting (VB)
Limiting Data Modification Functionality Based on the User (VB)

Paging and Sorting

Paging and Sorting Report Data (C#)
Efficiently Paging Through Large Amounts of Data (C#)
Sorting Custom Paged Data (C#)
Creating a Customized Sorting User Interface (C#)
Paging and Sorting Report Data (VB)
Efficiently Paging Through Large Amounts of Data (VB)
Sorting Custom Paged Data (VB)
Creating a Customized Sorting User Interface (VB)

Custom Button Actions

Adding and Responding to Buttons to a GridView (C#)
Adding and Responding to Buttons to a GridView (VB)

Displaying Data with the DataList and Repeater

Displaying Data with the DataList and Repeater Controls (C#)
Formatting the DataList and Repeater Based Upon Data (C#)
Showing Multiple Records per Row with the DataList Control (C#)
Nested Data Web Controls (C#)
Displaying Data with the DataList and Repeater Controls (VB)
Formatting the DataList and Repeater Based Upon Data (VB)
Showing Multiple Records per Row with the DataList Control (VB)
Nested Data Web Controls (VB)

Filtering Scenarios with the DataList and Repeater

Master/Detail Filtering With a DropDownList (C#)
Master/Detail Filtering Across Two Pages (C#)
Master/Detail Using a Bulleted List of Master Records with a Details DataList (C#)
Master/Detail Filtering With a DropDownList (VB)
Master/Detail Filtering Across Two Pages (VB)
Master/Detail Using a Bulleted List of Master Records with a Details DataList (VB)

Editing and Deleting Data Through the DataList

Overview of Editing and Deleting Data in the DataList (C#)
Performing Batch Updates (C#)
Handling BLL- and DAL-Level Exceptions (C#)
Adding Validation Controls to the DataList’s Editing Interface (C#)
Customizing the DataList’s Editing Interface (C#)
Overview of Editing and Deleting Data in the DataList (VB)
Performing Batch Updates (VB)
Handling BLL- and DAL-Level Exceptions (VB)
Adding Validation Controls to the DataList’s Editing Interface (VB)
Customizing the DataList’s Editing Interface (VB)

Paging and Sorting with the DataList and Repeater

Paging Report Data in a DataList or Repeater Control (C#)
Sorting Data in a DataList or Repeater Control (C#)
Paging Report Data in a DataList or Repeater Control (VB)
Sorting Data in a DataList or Repeater Control (VB)

Custom Button Actions with the DataList and Repeater

Custom Buttons in the DataList and Repeater (C#)
Custom Buttons in the DataList and Repeater (VB)

Accessing the Database Directly from an ASP.NET Page

Querying Data with the SqlDataSource Control (C#)
Using Parameterized Queries with the SqlDataSource (C#)
Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data with the SqlDataSource (C#)
Implementing Optimistic Concurrency with the SqlDataSource (C#)
Querying Data with the SqlDataSource Control (VB)
Using Parameterized Queries with the SqlDataSource (VB)
Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data with the SqlDataSource (VB)
Implementing Optimistic Concurrency with the SqlDataSource (VB)

Enhancing the GridView

Adding a GridView Column of Radio Buttons (C#)
Adding a GridView Column of Checkboxes (C#)
Adding a GridView Column of Radio Buttons (VB)
Adding a GridView Column of Checkboxes (VB)

Working with Binary Files

Uploading Files (C#)
Displaying Binary Data in the Data Web Controls (C#)
Including a File Upload Option When Adding a New Record (C#)
Updating and Deleting Existing Binary Data (C#)
Uploading Files (VB)
Displaying Binary Data in the Data Web Controls (VB)
Including a File Upload Option When Adding a New Record (VB)
Updating and Deleting Existing Binary Data (VB)

Caching Data

Caching Data with the ObjectDataSource (C#)
Caching Data in the Architecture (C#)
Caching Data at Application Startup (C#)
Using SQL Cache Dependencies (C#)
Caching Data with the ObjectDataSource (VB)
Caching Data in the Architecture (VB)
Caching Data at Application Startup (VB)
Using SQL Cache Dependencies (VB)

Database-Driven Site Maps

Building a Custom Database-Driven Site Map Provider (C#)
Building a Custom Database-Driven Site Map Provider (VB)

Working with Batched Data

Wrapping Database Modifications within a Transaction (C#)
Batch Updating (C#)
Batch Deleting (C#)
Batch Inserting (C#)
Wrapping Database Modifications within a Transaction (VB)
Batch Updating (VB)
Batch Deleting (VB)
Batch Inserting (VB)

Advanced Data Access Scenarios

Creating New Stored Procedures for the Typed DataSet’s TableAdapters (C#)
Using Existing Stored Procedures for the Typed DataSet’s TableAdapters (C#)
Updating the TableAdapter to Use JOINs (C#)
Adding Additional DataTable Columns (C#)
Working with Computed Columns (C#)
Configuring the Data Access Layer’s Connection- and Command-Level Settings (C#)
Protecting Connection Strings and Other Configuration Information (C#)
Debugging Stored Procedures (C#)
Creating Stored Procedures and User-Defined Functions with Managed Code (C#)
Creating New Stored Procedures for the Typed DataSet’s TableAdapters (VB)
Using Existing Stored Procedures for the Typed DataSet’s TableAdapters (VB)
Updating the TableAdapter to Use JOINs (VB)
Adding Additional DataTable Columns (VB)
Working with Computed Columns (VB)
Configuring the Data Access Layer’s Connection- and Command-Level Settings (VB)
Protecting Connection Strings and Other Configuration Information (VB)
Debugging Stored Procedures (VB)
Creating Stored Procedures and User-Defined Functions with Managed Code (VB)

Older Versions - Security

ASP.NET 3.5 - Introduction to Security

Security Basics and ASP.NET Support (C#)
Overview of Forms Authentication (C#)
Forms Authentication Configuration and Advanced Topics (C#)
Security Basics and ASP.NET Support (VB)
Overview of Forms Authentication (VB)
Forms Authentication Configuration and Advanced Topics (VB)

ASP.NET 3.5 - Membership

Creating the Membership Schema in SQL Server (C#)
Creating User Accounts (C#)
Validating User Credentials Against the Membership User Store (C#)
User-Based Authorization (C#)
Storing Additional User Information (C#)
Creating the Membership Schema in SQL Server (VB)
Creating User Accounts (VB)
Validating User Credentials Against the Membership User Store (VB)
User-Based Authorization (VB)
Storing Additional User Information (VB)

ASP.NET 3.5 - Roles

Creating and Managing Roles (C#)
Assigning Roles to Users (C#)
Role-Based Authorization (C#)
Creating and Managing Roles (VB)
Assigning Roles to Users (VB)
Role-Based Authorization (VB)

ASP.NET 3.5 - Security Administration

Building an Interface to Select One User Account from Many (C#)
Recovering and Changing Passwords (C#)
Unlocking and Approving User Accounts (C#)
Building an Interface to Select One User Account from Many (VB)
Recovering and Changing Passwords (VB)
Unlocking and Approving User Accounts (VB)

Older Versions - ASP.NET 2.0

Improvements in Visual Studio 2005

ASP.NET 2.0 Page Model

Server Controls

Master Pages

Data Source Controls

Data Bound Controls



Configuration and Instrumentation

Profiles, Themes, and Web Parts


How Do I?

Learn the Tips and Tricks of Experts

Create a Multi-Lingual Site with Localization

Make use of Caching

Make Greater use of Caching

Utilize Web Parts and Personalization

Customize my Site with Profiles and Themes

Secure my Site using Membership and Roles

Create a “Contact Us” Page

Use Master Pages and Site Navigation

Create Data-Driven Web Sites

Implement an HttpModule

Set Up the SQL Membership Provider

Implement URL Rewriting

Utilize the CSS Friendly Control Adapters

Handle Application Events using an HttpModule

Use Cascading Style Sheets for Web Page Layout

Create a Custom Membership Provider

Create a Custom Profile Provider

Implement Site Navigation in ASP.NET

Use Validation Controls in ASP.NET

Create a Custom User Control in ASP.NET

Implement Health Monitoring for an ASP.NET Application

Implement Tracing in an ASP.NET Web Site

Event Handlers in ASP.NET Web Pages and Controls

Implement a Custom Health Monitoring Event

Use Control State to Persist Information for a Custom Web Server Control

Read, Write, and Delete Cookies in ASP.NET

Save and Load View State Information for a Custom Web Server Control

Create and Use Application Level Events in ASP.NET

Simple File Uploads in ASP.NET

Multiple File Uploads in ASP.NET 2

Multiple File Uploads in ASP.NET 1

File Uploads with an AJAX Style Interface

Work with Master Pages Declaratively and Programmatically

Handle Events in Master and Content Pages

Use the ObjectDataSource with a Data Access Class and Business Object

Create User Selectable Themes for a Web Site

Share Data Between Client JavaScript and Server Code Using a Hidden Field

Add JavaScript to ASP.NET Page

Add JavaScript Event Handlers to ASP.NET Server Controls

Create and Call a Simple Web Service in ASP.NET

Deploy a Web Site Copy Web Site Tool

Create and Use a Custom Configuration Section in an ASP.NET Configuration File

Configure an ASP.NET Web Site for a .NET Framework Version

Use the ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool to Configure ASP.NET

Extend and Customize an ASP.NET Server Control for a Specific Purpose

Use the Ability to Create Groups with the ListView Control for Different Data

Make HTML elements accessible from server side code

Use Roles to Segment Functionality in an ASP.NET Web Site

Work with Nested Master Pages to Create Standard Content Layouts

Detect Browser Capabilities in ASP.NET Web Pages

Map an ASP.NET Server Control to the Adaptor Used to Render It

Pass Information From One Page to Another Using a Query String

Use the aspnet_merge.exe Utility to Merge Assemblies

Implement a Cross Page PostBack in ASP.NET

Add Controls to an ASP.NET Web Page Programmatically

Use a Hidden Field to Store and Manipulate Client-Side Information

Use the Fixednames Option with the Compiler Utility for Maximum Flexibility

Implement Command Buttons for Individual Items

Use Skins with CSS for a Flexible and Maintainable ASP.NET Web Site

Determine Whether to Use a Web Site or a Web Application Project

Write Web Events to a SQL Server Database SqlWebEventProvider

Use ASP.NET to Send Email from a Web Site

Configure Email Notification for Health Monitoring on an ASP.NET Web Site

Use a Visual Studio 2008 Web Deployment Project

Send Templated Emails for Health Monitoring Events in ASP.NET

Send Email Asynchronously with ASP.NET

Embed an Image in an Email with ASP.NET

Implement Error Handling when Sending Email with ASP.NET

Create a Custom Provider for Logging Health Monitoring Events

Create a Reusable Component for Sending Email to a Distribution List

Precompile an ASP.NET Website

Use the FtpWebRequest Class to Create an FTP Connection to a FTP Server

Export Data to a Comma Delimited (CSV) File for an Application Like Excel

Use the Reponse.Filter Property to Replace HTML in an ASP.NET Page

Use OutputCache to Cache an ASP.NET Page

Cache Portions of an ASP.NET Page

Control the Caching of an ASP.NET Page Based Upon Custom Information

Cache an ASP.NET Page Based Upon Information in the HTTP Header

Synchronize Data in Secondary User Control(s) Based Upon User Selections

Use the ASP.NET Cache Object to Cache Application Information

Persist the State of a User Control During a Postback

Add Client Script Event Handlers Controls on an ASP.NET Page

Understand and Defend Against Script Injection Attacks in ASP.NET

ASP.NET Data Access Technologies, an Intro to LINQ

Create and Use Classes in JavaScript

Create an Efficient and Standardized Approach for Implementing CSS Styles

What is ASP.NET

Choosing the Right Programming Model

Build Your First ASP.NET Application with ASP.NET Web Forms

Build Your First ASP.NET Application with ASP.NET MVC

Best Learn ASP.NET Web Forms

5 Minute Intro to ASP.NET Web Forms

Install ASP.NET and Tools

Tailspin Spyworks

Tailspin Spyworks - Implementing and Also Purchased Control

Tailspin Spyworks - Intro UI and EDM

Tailspin Spyworks - Directory Organization

Tailspin Spyworks - Category Menu

Tailspin Spyworks - Display the Product List

Tailspin Spyworks - Display Per Product Details

Tailspin Spyworks - Adding Items to the Shopping Cart

Tailspin Spyworks - Display Shopping Cart

Tailspin Spyworks - Update the Shopping Cart

Tailspin Spyworks - Migrate the Shopping Cart

Tailspin Spyworks - Final Check Out

Tailspin Spyworks - Adding User Product Reviews

Tailspin Spyworks - Displaying User Reviews

Building 3.5 Applications

Intro to Visual Web Developer


Intro to Web Forms

Page Layout

Page Lifecycle Events

Intro to ASP.NET Controls

Submit and Postback

Application Level Objects

Session Level Objects




Intro to SOAP Based Web Services with Visual Web Developer 2008

AJAX Style Services with Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008


Login Controls


Using Basic Forms Authentication in ASP.NET

Change the Forms Authentication Properties

ASP Forms Login Relocation

Forms Login Custom Key Configuration

Add Custom Data to the Authentication Method

Use Custom Principal Objects

Understanding ASP.NET Memberships

Configuring SQL To Work with Membership Schemas

Changing Membership Settings in the Default Membership Schema

Creating User Accounts with the Create User Wizard

Creating User Accounts Programmatically

Validating Users Manually

Validating Users with the Login Control

Adding Users to Your Membership System

Logging Users Into Your Membership System

Implement the Registration Verification Pattern

Simple Web Service Authentication

Creating Inactive Users

SQL Injection Defense

SQL 2005

What is a Database

Understanding Database Tables and Records

More about Column Data Types and Other Properties

Designing Relational Database Tables

Manipulating Database Data

More Structured Query Language

Understanding Security and Network Connectivity

Connecting your Web Application to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Using SQL Server Management Studio

Getting Started with Reporting Services

Building and Customizing Reports in Business Intelligence Development Studio

Creating and Using Stored Procedures

Enabling Full-Text Search in your Text Data

Visual Studio 2005

Intro to Unit Testing with Team System

Intro to Testing Web Applications with Team System

Intro to Load Testing Web Applications with Team System

Intro to Manual Testing with Team System

Intro to Managing and Running Tests with Team System

Measuring the Business Value of AJAX

Code Coverage of Automated Tests

Custom Extraction Rules and Coded Web Tests

Effects of Caching

Load Test Agent

Effects of ViewState

Integrate Defect Tracking with Testing

Create My Own Bug Work Item

Write Code More Quickly with Unit Tests

Practice Test-Driven Development

Load Test a Web Application

Tune Web Application Performance with Profiling

Set Up Distributed Load Testing for High Volume Tests

Enforce Coding Standards with Code Analysis

Use Generic Tests

Publish and Analyze Test Results

Discover Application Changes Prior to Deployment

Implement Continuous Integration with Team Foundation

Automate Testing using Team Build

Deploy a Web Application during a Team Build

Run Unit Tests against a Deployed Database

Enable Code Coverage and Profiling in Production Applications

Web Deployment Projects

Web Application Projects & Web Deployment Projects


[Intro to ASP.NET 2.0:] ASP.NET 2.0 Fundamentals

[Intro to ASP.NET 2.0:] User Interface Elements

[Migrating from] Classic ASP to ASP.NET

Intro to ASP.NET for JSP Developers: Welcome to ASP.NET 2.0

Intro to ASP.NET for JSP Developers: Building Applications

Intro to ASP.NET for ColdFusion Developers: Adding ASP.NET to Your Repertoire

Intro to ASP.NET for ColdFusion Developers: Building an ASP.NET Application

Interop between PHP and the Windows Platform

Building 2.0 Applications

[Lesson 1:] Getting Started with Visual Web Developer Express

[Lesson 2:] Creating a Web Forms User Interface

[Lesson 3:] Understanding More About Events and Postback

[Lesson 4:] Understanding Web Application State

[Lesson 5:] Debugging and Tracing Your Website

[Lesson 6:] Working with Stylesheets and Master Pages

[Lesson 7:] Databinding to User Interface Controls

[Lesson 8:] Working with the GridView and FormView

Watch ASP.NET Development in Action

General IIS Tips

Developing and Deploying In a Shared Hosting

Working with IIS7 Delegated Admin

Feature Specific Delegated Management

Troubleshooting Production ASP.NET Apps

Creating a Site with IIS7 Manager

Installing FTP7

Bit Rate Throttling

IIS7 Playlists

General VS 2010 Tips

Code Optimized Profile

Code Search View Hierarchy

IntelliSense Smart Lists

Multi-Monitor Support

New Web Project Template

New Multi-Targeting

Websites Instead of Web Projects

Snippets IntelliSense

Ajax Control Toolkit

Get Started with the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit

ASP.NET AJAX CascadingDropDown Control Extender

ASP.NET AJAX TextBoxWatermark Control Extender

ASP.NET AJAX Popup Control Extender

ASP.NET AJAX ModalPopup Extender Control

ASP.NET AJAX AlwaysVisible Control Extender

ASP.NET AJAX Accordion Control

ASP.NET AJAX Collapsable Panel Extender

ASP.NET AJAX Draggable Panel Extender

ASP.NET AJAX DynamicPopulate Extender

ASP.NET AJAX FilteredTextbox Extender

ASP.NET AJAX HoverMenu Extender

ASP.NET AJAX ToggleButton Extender

ASP.NET AJAX DropShadow Extender

ASP.NET AJAX PasswordStrength Extender

Get Started with the ASP.NET AJAX Animation Extender Control

ASP.NET AJAX ConfirmButton Extender

ASP.NET AJAX Slider Control

ASP.NET AJAX AutoComplete Control

Configure the ASP.NET AJAX Calendar Control

ASP.NET AJAX DropDown Control

ASP.NET AJAX MaskedEdit Controls

ASP.NET AJAX MutuallyExclusive Checkbox Extender

ASP.NET AJAX NoBot Control

ASP.NET AJAX ListSearch Extender

PagingBulletedList Extender Control

NumericUpDown Extender Control

ASP.NET AJAX ValidatorCallout Extender

ASP.NET AJAX ResizableControl Extender

ASP.NET AJAX Tabs Control

ASP.NET AJAX SlideShow Extender

ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanelAnimation Extender

AJAX Toolkit Reorder Control

Utilize the AJAX Rating Control in the ASP.NET Toolkit

Control Extenders

Color Picker

Combo Box

Editor Control

Editor Control Custom

Create a New Custom Extender


Get Started with ASP.NET AJAX

Implement Dynamic Partial-Page Updates with ASP.NET AJAX

Make Client-Side Network Callbacks with ASP.NET AJAX

Add ASP.NET AJAX Features to an Existing Web Application

ASP.NET AJAX Enable an Existing Web Service

ASP.NET AJAX Client Library Controls

Use an ASP.NET AJAX ScriptManagerProxy

ASP.NET AJAX RoundedCorners Extender

ASP.NET AJAX Timer Control

Implement the Predictive Fetch Pattern for AJAX

Implement the AJAX Paging Pattern

Implement the AJAX Incremental Page Display Pattern

Implement the Incremental Page Display Pattern using HTTP GET and POST

ASP.NET AJAX UpdateProgress Control

ASP.NET AJAX History Control

Implement the AJAX After Processing Pattern

Update Multiple Regions of a Page with ASP.NET AJAX

Choose Between Methods of AJAX Page Updates

Use Other JavaScript User Interface Libraries with ASP.NET AJAX

Use the ASP.NET AJAX Profile Services

Debug ASP.NET AJAX Applications Using Visual Studio 2005

Build a Custom ASP.NET AJAX Server Control

Use JavaScript to Refresh an ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel

Determine Whether an Asynchronous Postback has Occurred

Use the Conditional UpdateMode of the UpdatePanel

Implement the Persistent Communications Pattern with the UpdatePanel

Localize an ASP.NET AJAX Application

Implement the Persistent Communications Pattern using Web Services

Trigger an UpdatePanel Refresh from a DropDownList Control

Create an ASP.NET AJAX Extender from Scratch

Build Custom Server Controls that Work With or Without ASP.NET AJAX

Associate AJAX Client Behavior with an ASP.NET Server Control

Retrieve Values From Server Side AJAX Controls

Two Simple Techniques for Triggering Updates to Update Panels

Use ASP.NET AJAX Cascading Drop Down Control to Access a Database

Implement Infinite Data Patterns in AJAX

Basic ASP.NET Authentication in an AJAX Enabled Application

Dynamically Change CSS ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel

Dynamically Add Controls to a Web Page

Set Up Your Development Environment for ASP.NET 3.5

Set Up Your Development Environment for ASP.NET 2.0

Customize Error Handling for the ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel

Use ASP.NET AJAX Client Templates

Data Access

ADO.NET Data Services

Data Access Layers in ASP.NET Applications
Manually Bind a Dataset to a Datagrid
Work with Datasets and Filters from an ASP Application

How Do I with LINQ

LINQ to SQL: Overview
LINQ to SQL: Data Model
LINQ to SQL: Querying the Database
LINQ to SQL: Updating the Database
LINQ to SQL: LinqDataSource
LINQ to SQL: Custom LinqDataSource
LINQ to SQL: Using Stored Procedures
LINQ to SQL: Updating with Stored Procedures
LINQ to SQL: Executing Arbitrary SQL

LINQ Videos from the VB Team

Get Started with LINQ
Perform Group and Aggregate Queries
Upgrade Visual Basic Projects to Enable LINQ
Get Started with LINQ to XML
Enable XML IntelliSense and Use XML Namespaces
Create XML Documents from SQL Data
Create Excel Spreadsheets using LINQ to XML

ASP.NET Dynamic Data

Your First Scaffold and What is Dynamic Data

Enable Inline GridView Editing

Change how my Fields render

Handle Business Logic Exceptions

Make Custom Pages

Display Unknown datatypes

Use a DynamicControl in ListView and DetailsView Controls

Getting Started with Dynamic Data

Begin Editing the Templates in ASP.NET Dynamic Data Applications

Begin Modifying Dynamic Data Applications with URL Routing

Enable In-Line Editing in ASP.NET Dynamic Data Applications

Enable Table Specific Routing in Dynamic Data Applications

Use Attribute Validation in ASP.NET Dynamic Data Applications

Implement Custom Field Validation with Imperative Logic in VB or C#

Remove Columns From Your DynamicData Data Grids

Create Table Specific Custom Forms in an ASP.NET Dynamic Data Application

ASP.NET Dynamic Data Custom Form Formatting


How Do I

Create a Master Page in Visual Studio 2008
Create Nested Master Page in Visual Studio 2008
Cascading Style Sheets in Visual Studio 2008
Working with Visual Studio 2008 .NET Framework
Adding Elements to a CSS File and Create New CSS on the Fly
Advance Cascading Style Sheet Features and Management
Converting a .NET 2.0 Windows Forms Application to .NET 3.5
Get Started with the Entity Framework
Use the New Entity Data Source
Serialize a Graph with the Entity Framework
Use MSBuild to Automate the ASP.NET Compiler and Merge Utilities


ASP.NET AJAX Support in Visual Studio 2008
Adding AJAX Functionality to an Existing ASP.NET Page
Creating and Using an AJAX-enabled Web Service in a Web Site
ASP.NET AJAX: A demonstration of ASP.NET AJAX
ADO.NET Data Services with ASP.NET AJAX Support
Intro to ASP.NET Ajax History
Using Script Combining to improve AJAX performance

Data Controls

ListView Control
DataPager Control

Visual Studio Designer

Visual Studio 2008 and Nested Masterpages

Visual Studio Editor

New Designer Support in Visual Studio 2008
JavaScript Intellisense Support in Visual Studio 2008
JavaScript Debugging in Visual Studio 2008
Multi Targeting Support in Visual Studio 2008
IntelliSense for Jscript and ASP.NET AJAX
Quick Tour of the Visual Studio 2008 Integrated Development Environment
Creating and Modifying a CSS File


Make Ajax Calls Using jQuery

.NET 4


Imperative JavaScript Syntax for Microsoft Client Side Controls
JQuery Syntax for Microsoft Ajax
AJAX Data Templates


Chart Control
Introducing the New Chart Control in Visual Studio 2010


Auto Start
Clean Web.Config Files
Predictable Client IDs
HtmlEncoder Utility Method


Persistent GridView Row Selection

Markup Control

New Rendering Option for Check Box Lists and Radio Button Lists
Table Free Templated Controls
Tableless Menu Control
Hidden Field Divs
Disabled Control Styling


Selective View State
Easy State Compression
Use the ViewStateMode Property for Managing ViewState


Permanent Redirect
Imperative WebForms Routing
Declarative WebForms Routing
Outbound WebForms Routing
Use Routing with ASP.NET Web Forms
Work with URLs in ASP.NET Routing


Dynamic Metadata


Strongly Typed Data Controls

Model Binding Part 1 - Selecting Data

Model Binding Part 2 - Filtering

Model Binding Part 3 - Updating

ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms Model Binding

ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms Strong Typed Data Controls

Bundling and Minification

Getting Started with the Next Version of ASP.NET

ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2

Introduction to ASP.NET Web Forms

Web Forms Video Training from Pluralsight



Getting Started

Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC 5

Getting Started
Adding a Controller
Adding a View
Adding a Model
Creating a Connection String and Working with SQL Server LocalDB
Accessing Your Model’s Data from a Controller
Examining the Edit Methods and Edit View
Adding a New Field
Adding Validation
Examining the Details and Delete Methods

Getting Started with EF 6 using MVC 5  (PDF)

Creating an Entity Framework Data Model
Implementing Basic CRUD Functionality
Sorting, Filtering, and Paging
Connection Resiliency and Command Interception
Code First Migrations and Deployment
Creating a More Complex Data Model
Async and Stored Procedures
Handling Concurrency
Implementing Inheritance
Advanced Entity Framework Scenarios

EF Database First with ASP.NET MVC

Getting Started with Entity Framework 6 Database First using MVC 5
Creating the Web Application and Data Models
Generating Views
Changing the Database
Customizing a View
Enhancing Data Validation
Publish to Azure

Lifecycle of an ASP.NET MVC 5 Application

UI, Layouts, and Themes

Using Page Inspector in ASP.NET MVC

Dynamic v. Strongly Typed Views

Security, Authentication, and Authorization

Create an ASP.NET MVC 5 App with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google OAuth2 Sign-on (C#)

Create a secure ASP.NET MVC 5 web app with log in, email confirmation and password reset (C#)

ASP.NET MVC 5 app with SMS and email Two-Factor Authentication

XSRF/CSRF Prevention in ASP.NET MVC and Web Pages

Preventing Open Redirection Attacks (C#)


Migrating ASP.NET MVC Applications to Windows Containers


Profile and debug your ASP.NET MVC app with Glimpse

Using Asynchronous Methods in ASP.NET MVC 4

Bundling and Minification

Internationalization and Advanced Topics

Custom MVC Template


What’s New in ASP.NET MVC 5.2

What’s New in ASP.NET MVC 5.1

How to Upgrade an ASP.NET MVC 4 and Web API Project to ASP.NET MVC 5 and Web API 2

Older Versions - MVC 3 and 4

Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC 4

Intro to ASP.NET MVC 4
Adding a Controller
Adding a View
Adding a Model
Accessing Your Model’s Data from a Controller
Examining the Edit Methods and Edit View
Adding a New Field to the Movie Model and Table
Adding Validation to the Model
Examining the Details and Delete Methods

Getting Started with EF 5 using MVC 4

Creating an Entity Framework Data Model
Implementing Basic CRUD Functionality
Sorting, Filtering, and Paging
Creating a More Complex Data Model
Handling Concurrency
Implementing Inheritance
Implementing the Repository and Unit of Work Patterns
Advanced Entity Framework Scenarios
Building the Chapter Downloads

MVC 4 Hands On Labs

What’s New in ASP.NET MVC 4
ASP.NET MVC 4 Fundamentals
ASP.NET MVC 4 Models and Data Access
ASP.NET MVC 4 Custom Action Filters
ASP.NET MVC 4 Entity Framework Scaffolding and Migrations
ASP.NET MVC 4 Dependency Injection
ASP.NET MVC 4 Helpers, Forms and Validation

ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile Features

Using OAuth Providers with MVC 4

Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC3

Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC 3 (C#)
Intro to ASP.NET MVC 3 (C#)
Adding a Controller (C#)
Adding a View (C#)
Adding a Model (C#)
Accessing your Model’s Data from a Controller (C#)
Examining the Edit Methods and Edit View (C#)
Adding a New Field to the Movie Model and Table (C#)
Adding Validation to the Model (C#)
Improving the Details and Delete Methods (C#)
Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC 3 (VB.NET)
Intro to ASP.NET MVC 3 (VB)
Adding a Controller (VB)
Adding a View (VB)
Adding a Model (VB)
Accessing your Model’s Data from a Controller (VB)
Examining the Edit Methods and Edit View (VB)
Adding a New Field to the Movie Model and Database Table (VB)
Adding Validation to the Model (VB)
Improving the Details and Delete Methods (VB)

Creating a MVC 3 Application with Razor and Unobtrusive JavaScript

MVC 3 Music Store

Part 1: Overview and File->New Project
Part 2: Controllers
Part 3: Views and ViewModels
Part 4: Models and Data Access
Part 5: Edit Forms and Templating
Part 6: Using Data Annotations for Model Validation
Part 7: Membership and Authorization
Part 8: Shopping Cart with Ajax Updates
Part 9: Registration and Checkout
Part 10: Final Updates to Navigation and Site Design, Conclusion

MVC 3 - The HTML5 and jQuery UI Datepicker Popup Calendar

HTML5 and jQuery UI Datepicker Popup Calendar with ASP.NET MVC - Part 1
HTML5 and jQuery UI Datepicker Popup Calendar with ASP.NET MVC - Part 2
HTML5 and jQuery UI Datepicker Popup Calendar with ASP.NET MVC - Part 4

MVC 3 - Working with the DropDownList Box and jQuery

Using the DropDownList Helper with ASP.NET MVC
Examining how ASP.NET MVC scaffolds the DropDownList Helper
Adding a New Category to the DropDownList using jQuery UI

Older Versions - MVC 1 and 2


ASP.NET MVC Overview
Understanding the ASP.NET MVC Execution Process
Understanding Models, Views, and Controllers (C#)
Understanding Models, Views, and Controllers (VB)

Getting Started With MVC

Intro to ASP.NET MVC
Adding a Controller
Adding a View
Creating a Database
Accessing your Model’s Data from a Controller
Adding a Create Method and Create View
Adding Validation to the Model
Adding a Column to the Model

Models (Data)

Creating Model Classes with the Entity Framework (C#)
Creating Model Classes with LINQ to SQL (C#)
Displaying a Table of Database Data (C#)
Performing Simple Validation (C#)
Validating with the IDataErrorInfo Interface (C#)
Validating with a Service Layer (C#)
Validation with the Data Annotation Validators (C#)
Creating Model Classes with the Entity Framework (VB)
Creating Model Classes with LINQ to SQL (VB)
Displaying a Table of Database Data (VB)
Performing Simple Validation (VB)
Validating with the IDataErrorInfo Interface (VB)
Validating with a Service Layer (VB)
Validation with the Data Annotation Validators (VB)


ASP.NET MVC Views Overview (C#)
Creating Custom HTML Helpers (C#)
TagBuilder Class to Build HTML Helpers (C#)
Creating Page Layouts with View Master Pages (C#)
Passing Data to View Master Pages (C#)
ASP.NET MVC Views Overview (VB)
Creating Custom HTML Helpers (VB)
TagBuilder Class to Build HTML Helpers (VB)
Creating Page Layouts with View Master Pages (VB)
Passing Data to View Master Pages (VB)

Controllers and Routing

ASP.NET MVC Routing Overview (C#)
Understanding Action Filters (C#)
Improving Performance with Output Caching (C#)
Adding Dynamic Content to a Cached Page (C#)
Creating a Controller (C#)
Creating an Action (C#)
ASP.NET MVC Routing Overview (VB)
Understanding Action Filters (VB)
Improving Performance with Output Caching (VB)
Adding Dynamic Content to a Cached Page (VB)
Creating a Controller (VB)
Creating an Action (VB)
ASP.NET MVC Controller Overview (C#)
Creating Custom Routes (C#)
Creating a Route Constraint (C#)
Creating a Custom Route Constraint (C#)
ASP.NET MVC Controller Overview (VB)
Creating Custom Routes (VB)
Creating a Route Constraint (VB)
Creating a Custom Route Constraint (VB)


Using ASP.NET MVC with Different Versions of IIS (C#)
Using ASP.NET MVC with Different Versions of IIS (VB)


Authenticating Users with Forms Authentication (C#)
Authenticating Users with Windows Authentication (C#)
Preventing JavaScript Injection Attacks (C#)
Authenticating Users with Forms Authentication (VB)
Authenticating Users with Windows Authentication (VB)
Preventing JavaScript Injection Attacks (VB)

Unit Testing

Creating Unit Tests for ASP.NET MVC Applications (C#)
Creating Unit Tests for ASP.NET MVC Applications (VB)

Contact Manager

Iteration #1 – Create the Application (C#)
Iteration #2 – Make the application look nice (C#)
Iteration #3 – Add form validation (C#)
Iteration #4 – Make the application loosely coupled (C#)
Iteration #5 – Create unit tests (C#)
Iteration #6 – Use test-driven development (C#)
Iteration #7 – Add Ajax functionality (C#)
Iteration #1 – Create the Application (VB)
Iteration #2 – Make the application look nice (VB)
Iteration #3 – Add form validation (VB)
Iteration #4 – Make the application loosely coupled (VB)
Iteration #5 – Create unit tests (VB)
Iteration #6 – Use test-driven development (VB)
Iteration #7 – Add Ajax functionality (VB)


Introducing the NerdDinner Tutorial
Create a New ASP.NET MVC Project
Create a Database
Build a Model with Business Rule Validations
Use Controllers and Views to Implement a Listing/Details UI
Provide CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Data Form Entry Support
Use ViewData and Implement ViewModel Classes
Re-use UI Using Master Pages and Partials
Implement Efficient Data Paging
Secure Applications Using Authentication and Authorization
Use AJAX to Deliver Dynamic Updates
Use AJAX to Implement Mapping Scenarios
Enable Automated Unit Testing
NerdDinner Wrap Up

Movie Database

Create a Movie Database Application in 15 Minutes with ASP.NET MVC (C#)
Create a Movie Database Application in 15 Minutes with ASP.NET MVC (VB)



Using Page Inspector in ASP.NET MVC



MVC 3 - Razor View Engine

MVC 3 - Razor Helpers



Creating a Tasklist Application with ASP.NET MVC
Creating a Movie Database Application in 15 minutes with ASP.NET MVC
Understanding Models, Views, and Controllers
ASP.NET MVC Controller Overview
Understanding Controllers, Controller Actions, and Action Results
Understanding Views, View Data, and HTML Helpers
Intro to URL Routing
Preventing JavaScript Injection Attacks
Creating Unit Tests for ASP.NET MVC Applications
Creating Custom HTML Helpers
Creating Model Classes with LINQ to SQL
Displaying a Table of Database Data
What is ASP.NET MVC 80 minute technical video for developers, building NerdDinner
Why ASP.NET MVC 3 minute overview video for decision makers
ASP.NET MVC: How 10 minute technical video for developers
Return JSON Formatted Data for an AJAX Call in an ASP.NET MVC Web Application
Work with Data in ASP.NET MVC Partial Views
Implement View Models to Manage Data for ASP.NET MVC Views
Create a Custom HTML Helper for an MVC Application
Work with Model Binders in an MVC Application
Use HttpVerbs Attributes in an MVC Application
MVC2 - Html Encoding
MVC2 - StronglyTyped Helpers
MVC2 - Model Validation
MVC2 - Template Customization
ASP.NET MVC 2 - Areas
ASP.NET MVC 2 - Render Action
5 Minute Intro to ASP.NET MVC
Best Learn ASP.NET MVC

ASP.NET MVC For the Rest of Us

ASP.NET MVC For the Rest of Us: Part 1
ASP.NET MVC For the Rest of Us: Part 2
ASP.NET MVC For the Rest of Us: Part 3
ASP.NET MVC For the Rest of Us: Part 4

Music Store

MVC Music Store Part 1: Intro, Tools, and Project Structure
MVC Music Store Part 2: Controllers
MVC Music Store Part 3: Views and ViewModels


ASP.NET MVC Storefront

ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 1: Architectural Discussion and Overview
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 2: Repository Pattern
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 3: Pipes and Filters
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 4: Linq To Sql Spike
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 5: Globalization
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 6: Finishing Repository, and Initial UI Work
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 7: Routing and UI Work
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 8: Testing Controllers, Iteration 1 Complete
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 9: Shopping Cart
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 10: Shopping Cart Refactor and Authorization
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 11: Hooking Up Shopping Cart and Using Components
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 12: Mocking
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 13: Dependency Injection
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 14: Rich Client Interaction
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 15: Public Code review
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 16: Membership Redo With OpenID
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 17: Checkout With Jeff Atwood
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 18: Creating Experience
ASP.NET MVC MVC Storefront Part 19: Processing Orders With Windows Workflow
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 19a: Windows Workflow Followup
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 20: Logging
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 21: Order Manager and Personalization
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 22: Restructuring, Rerouting, and PayPal
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 23: Getting Started With Domain-Driven Design
ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 24: Finis


Creating NerdDinner.com with Microsoft ASP.NET Model View Controller (MVC)
America’s Next Top Model View Controller Framework
Ninja on Fire Black Belt Tips




MVC Video Training from Pluralsight



Getting Started

Getting Started with Web API 2 (C#)

Action Results in Web API 2

Using Web API with ASP.NET Web Forms

Creating Web API Help Pages

Hands On Lab: Build a Single Page Application (SPA) with ASP.NET Web API and Angular.js


Routing in Web API

Routing and Action Selection in Web API

Attribute Routing in Web API 2

Create a REST API with Attribute Routing in Web API 2

Working with Data

Using Web API 2 with Entity Framework 6

Create the Project
Add Models and Controllers
Seed the Database
Handling Entity Relations
Create Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)
Create the JavaScript Client
Create the View (UI)
Display Item Details
Add a New Item to the Database
Publish the App to Azure Websites

Mobile Clients

Calling Web API from a Windows Phone 8 Application (C#)


OData v4

Create an OData v4 Endpoint
Create an OData v4 Client App (C#)
Entity Relations in OData v4
Actions and Functions in OData v4
Containment in OData v4
Create a Singleton in OData v4
Open Types in OData v4
Complex Type Inheritance in OData v4

OData v3

Creating an OData v3 Endpoint
Supporting Entity Relations in OData v3
OData Actions in Web API 2
Calling an OData Service From a .NET Client (C#)

Supporting OData Query Options in Web API 2

Using $select, $expand, and $value in Web API 2 OData

Routing Conventions in Web API 2 OData

Security Guidance for Web API 2 OData

Serialization and Model Binding

Media Formatters in Web API 2

JSON and XML Serialization in Web API

BSON Support in Web API 2.1

Content Negotiation in Web API

Model Validation in Web API

Parameter Binding in Web API

Error Handling

Exception Handling in Web API

Global Error Handling in Web API 2

Testing and Debugging

Tracing in Web API 2

Unit Testing Web API 2

Unit Testing Controllers in ASP.NET Web API 2

Mocking Entity Framework when Unit Testing Web API 2

Troubleshooting HTTP 405 Errors after Publishing Web API 2 Applications

Security, Authentication, and Authorization

Authentication and Authorization in Web API

Secure a Web API with Individual Accounts in Web API 2.2

External Authentication Services with Web API (C#)

Preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Attacks in Web API

Enabling Cross-Origin Requests in Web API 2

Authentication Filters in Web API 2

Basic Authentication in Web API

Forms Authentication in Web API

Integrated Windows Authentication

Working with SSL

Deployment and Hosting

Use OWIN to Self-Host Web API 2

Host Web API 2 in an Azure Worker Role

Advanced Topics

Configuring Web API 2

Dependency Injection in Web API 2

Calling a Web API From a .NET Client (C#)

HTTP Message Handlers in Web API

HttpClient Message Handlers in Web API

Sending HTML Form Data in Web API: Form-urlencoded Data

Sending HTML Form Data in Web API: File Upload and Multipart MIME

HTTP Cookies in ASP.NET Web API


What’s New in Web API OData 5.3

What’s New in ASP.NET Web API 2.2

What’s New in ASP.NET Web API 2.1

Older Versions

Enabling CRUD Operations in Web API 1

Using ASP.NET Web API 1 with Entity Framework 5

Overview and Creating the Project
Creating the Domain Models
Creating an Admin Controller
Adding an Admin View
Creating a Dynamic UI with Knockout.js
Creating Product and Order Controllers
Creating the Main Page

Self-Host Web API 1 (C#)

Build RESTful API’s with ASP.NET Web API


Overview and Getting Started


ASP.NET Web API, Part 1: Your First Web API

ASP.NET Web API, Part 2: Getting Data

ASP.NET Web API, Part 3: Delete and Update

ASP.NET Web API, Part 4: Paging and Querying

ASP.NET Web API, Part 5: Custom Validation

ASP.NET Web API, Part 6: Authorization

Web API Samples List

Web Pages


Getting Started

Program ASP.NET Web Pages in Visual Studio

Intro to ASP.NET Web Programming Razor Syntax

ASP.NET Web Pages Visual Basic

ASP.NET Web Pages (Razor) FAQ

Sending Email from Your Site

Adding Social Networking to Your Website

Introducing ASP.NET Web Pages

Getting Started
Programming Basics
Displaying Data
HTML Form Basics
Entering Database Data by Using Forms
Updating Database Data
Deleting Database Data
Creating a Consistent Layout
Publishing a Site by Using WebMatrix


Creating Readable URLs in ASP.NET Web Pages Sites

UI, Layouts, and Themes

Working with Forms

Validating User Input in ASP.NET Web Pages Sites

Creating a Consistent Look

Customizing Site-Wide Behavior

Working with Images

Working with Video

Creating and Using a Helper in an ASP.NET Web Pages Site

Installing a Helper

Twitter Helper with ASP.NET Web Pages

Displaying Maps in an ASP.NET Web Pages Site


Rendering ASP.NET Web Pages Sites for Mobile Devices

Working with Data

Working with Data

Displaying Data in a Chart

Working with Files

Testing and Debugging

Intro to Debugging

ASP.NET Web Pages (Razor) Troubleshooting Guide


Adding Security and Membership

Enabling Login from External Sites in an ASP.NET Web Pages Site

Using a CAPTCHA to Prevent Automated Programs (Bots) from Using Your ASP.NET Web Site


Caching to Improve the Performance of Your Website

Analyzing Traffic

Bundling and Minifying Assets in an ASP.NET Web Pages (Razor) Site

API Reference

ASP.NET API Quick Reference


What’s New in ASP.NET Web Pages 3.2

What’s New in ASP.NET Web Pages 3.1

Top Features in ASP.NET Web Pages 2

ASP.NET Web Pages 2 Developer Preview ReadMe

Running Different Versions of ASP.NET Web Pages Side by Side



5 Minute Intro to ASP.NET Web Pages

Install and Use the Microsoft WebMatrix Tool

Create a Website Using WebMatrix

Change the Visual Style of a Web Page

Use the Layout Features in WebMatrix

Create a Data-Driven Dynamic Web Page

Create a Web Interface in WebMatrix

Create an Edit Data Page in WebMatrix

Create a Delete Data Page in WebMatrix

Publish a Website to the Internet Using WebMatrix

ASP.NET Web Pages

Getting Started with WebMatrix and ASP.NET Web Pages

Intro to ASP.NET Web Programming Razor Syntax

Creating a Consistent Look (Part 1)

Creating a Consistent Look (Part 2)

Working with Forms (Part 1)

Working with Forms (Part 2)

Working with Data (Part 1)

Working with Data (Part 2)

Displaying Data in a Grid

Displaying Data in a Chart (Part 1)

Displaying Data in a Chart (Part 2)

Working with Files

Working with Images

Working with Video

Adding Email to Your Web Site

Adding Search to Your Web Site

Adding Social Networking to Your Website

WebMatrix and Web Pages Video Training from Pluralsight

WebMatrix Readme

WebMatrix Readme

Web Matrix and ASP.NET Web Pages (Razor) Beta 3 Release Readme

WebMatrix Content Guide



Getting Started

Introduction to SignalR

Supported Platforms

Tutorial: Getting Started with SignalR 2

Tutorial: Getting Started with SignalR 2 and MVC 5

Tutorial: High-Frequency Realtime with SignalR 2

Tutorial: Server Broadcast with SignalR 2

Hands On Lab: Real-Time Web Applications with SignalR

Guide to the API

Hubs API Guide - Server (C#)

Hubs API Guide - JavaScript Client

Hubs API Guide - .NET Client (C#)

Understanding and Handling Connection Lifetime Events in SignalR

Working with Groups in SignalR

Mapping SignalR Users to Connections

Testing and Debugging

SignalR Troubleshooting

Unit Testing SignalR Applications

Enabling SignalR Tracing


Introduction to SignalR Security

Authentication and Authorization for SignalR Hubs

Authentication and Authorization for SignalR Persistent Connections


SignalR Performance

Introduction to Scaleout in SignalR

SignalR Scaleout with Azure Service Bus

SignalR Scaleout with Redis

SignalR Scaleout with SQL Server

SignalR Connection Density Testing with Crank

Using SignalR Performance Counters in an Azure Web Role

Deployment and Hosting

Tutorial: SignalR Self-Host

Using SignalR with Web Apps in Azure App Service


Dependency Injection in SignalR


Upgrading SignalR 1.x Projects to version 2

Older Versions

Tutorial: Getting Started with SignalR 1.x

Tutorial: Getting Started with SignalR 1.x and MVC 4

High-Frequency Realtime with SignalR 1.x

Tutorial: Server Broadcast with ASP.NET SignalR 1.x

Hubs API Guide - Server

SignalR 1.x Hubs API Guide - JavaScript Client

Hubs API Guide - .NET Client

Understanding and Handling Connection Lifetime Events in SignalR

Working with Groups in SignalR 1.x

Mapping SignalR Users to Connections in SignalR 1.x

Introduction to SignalR Security (SignalR 1.x)

Authentication and Authorization for SignalR Hubs (SignalR 1.x)

Authentication and Authorization for SignalR Persistent Connections (SignalR 1.x)

SignalR Performance (SignalR 1.x)

Introduction to Scaleout in SignalR 1.x

SignalR Scaleout with Azure Service Bus (SignalR 1.x)

SignalR Scaleout with Redis (SignalR 1.x)

SignalR Scaleout with SQL Server (SignalR 1.x)

SignalR Troubleshooting (SignalR 1.x)

Dependency Injection in SignalR 1.x


ASP.NET SignalR Videos

SignalR and Web Sockets



ASP.NET Mobile Controls Tested Devices

Single Page Application



Single Page Application: KnockoutJS template

Know a library other than Knockout?


Backbone Template

Breeze/Angular template

Breeze/Knockout template

EmberJS template

Hot Towel template


Source Code and NuGet

Receiving and processing



Receiver dependencies





Visual Studio 2013

Creating ASP.NET Web Projects in Visual Studio 2013

Visual Studio 2013 Web Editor Features - CSS

Visual Studio 2013 Web Editor Features - JavaScript

Visual Studio 2013 Web Editor Features - Publishing

Visual Studio 2013 Web Editor Features - Page Inspector

Visual Studio 2013 Web Editor Features - HTML Editor

Visual Studio 2013 Web Editor Features - HTML5

ASP.NET Scaffolding in Visual Studio 2013

ASP.NET and Web Tools for Visual Studio 2013 Release Notes

ASP.NET and Web Tools 2013.2 for Visual Studio 2013 Release Notes

Hands On Lab: Visual Studio 2013 Web Tools

Hands On Lab: One ASP.NET: Integrating ASP.NET Web Forms, MVC and Web API

Visual Studio 2012

Visual Studio 2012 HTML Editing Features

Visual Studio 2012 CSS Editor

Visual Studio 2012 JavaScript Editor

Visual Studio 2012 Page Inspector

Visual Studio 2012 Web Publishing Improvements

Release Notes for ASP.NET and Web Tools 2013.1 for Visual Studio 2012

HTML Editor Smart Tasks and Event Handler Generation

CSS Editor Hierarchical Indentation

CSS Editor Snippets

CSS Editor Color Picker

Page Inspector - Introduction

Page Inspector - Decomposing your Web Application

Windows Azure Authentication

ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 Release Notes

Entity Framework



Getting Started with ASP.NET Identity

Introduction to ASP.NET Identity

Adding ASP.NET Identity to an Empty or Existing Web Forms Project

Developing ASP.NET Apps with Azure Active Directory

ASP.NET Identity: Using MySQL Storage with an EntityFramework MySQL Provider (C#)

Features & API

Best practices for deploying passwords and other sensitive data to ASP.NET and Azure App Service

Account Confirmation and Password Recovery with ASP.NET Identity (C#)

Two-factor authentication using SMS and email with ASP.NET Identity


Overview of Custom Storage Providers for ASP.NET Identity

Implementing a Custom MySQL ASP.NET Identity Storage Provider

Change Primary Key for Users in ASP.NET Identity


Migrating an Existing Website from SQL Membership to ASP.NET Identity

Migrating Universal Provider Data for Membership and User Profiles to ASP.NET Identity (C#)


Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network

Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network

jQuery UI

jQuery UI 1.10.4 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.10.3 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.10.2 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.10.1 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.10.0 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.9.2 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.9.1 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.9.0 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.24 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.23 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.22 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.21 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.20 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.19 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.18 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.17 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.16 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.15 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.14 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.13 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.12 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.11 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.10 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.9 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.8 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.7 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.6 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.8.5

jQuery UI 1.11.2 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.11.1 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.11.0 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.11.3 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.11.4 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.12.0 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery UI 1.12.1 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Validate

jQuery Validation 1.13.0

jQuery Validation 1.12.0

jQuery Validation 1.11.1

jQuery Validation 1.11.0

jQuery Validation 1.10.0

jquery.validate version 1.9

jquery.validate version 1.8.1

jquery.validate version 1.8

jquery.validate version 1.7

jQuery Validate 1.6

jQuery Validate 1.5.5

jQuery Validation 1.13.1

jQuery Validation 1.14.0

jQuery Validation 1.15.0

jQuery Validation 1.15.1

jQuery Validation 1.16.0

jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile 1.4.2 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.4.1 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.4.0 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.3.2 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.3.1 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.3.0 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.2.0 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.1.2 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.1.1 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.1.0 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.1.0 RC2 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.0.1 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.0 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.0 RC2 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.0 RC1 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.0 Beta 3 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Mobile 1.4.5 on the Microsoft Ajax CDN

jQuery Templates

jQuery Templates Beta 1

jQuery Cycle

jQuery Cycle 2.99

jQuery Cycle 2.94

jQuery Cycle 2.88

jQuery DataTables

jQuery DataTables 1.9.4

jQuery DataTables 1.9.3

jQuery DataTables 1.9.2

jQuery DataTables 1.9.1

jQuery DataTables 1.9.0

jQuery DataTables 1.8.2

jQuery DataTables 1.10.4

jQuery DataTables 1.10.5

ASP.NET Web Forms and Ajax 4

ASP.NET Ajax 3.5

ASP.NET Web Forms and Ajax 4.5.2

ASP.NET Web Forms and Ajax 4.5.1

Web Development Best Practices

What not to do in ASP.NET, and what to do instead

Async and Await

Building Real World Cloud Apps with Azure


Automate Everything

Source Control

Continuous Integration and Delivery

Web Development Best Practices

Single Sign-On

Data Storage Options

Data Partitioning Strategies

Unstructured Blob Storage

Design to Survive Failures

Monitoring and Telemetry

Transient Fault Handling

Distributed Caching

Queue-Centric Work Pattern

More Patterns and Guidance

Appendix: The Fix It Sample Application

Hands on Lab: Maintainable Azure Websites: Managing Change and Scale

OWIN and Katana

An Overview of Project Katana

Getting Started with OWIN and Katana

Katana Samples

OWIN Startup Class Detection

Enabling Windows Authentication in Katana

OWIN Middleware in the IIS Integrated Pipeline

OWIN OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server

Host OWIN in an Azure Worker Role



ASP.NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 Web Development Overview

ASP.NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 Web Development Overview

ASP.NET 4 Breaking Changes

Upgrading an ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Application to ASP.NET MVC 2

ASP.NET Denied Access to IIS Directories

What’s New in ASP.NET MVC 2



Running ASP.NET 1.1 with IIS 6.0

How To: Add Mobile Pages to Your ASP.NET Web Forms / MVC Application

Fix for ‘Server Application Unavailable’ Error after Applying Security Update for IE

ASP.NET Side-by-Side Execution of .NET Framework 1.0 and 1.1


Request Validation - Preventing Script Attacks

ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 Release Notes

What’s New in ASP.NET 4.5 and Visual Studio 2012

API reference

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